The Modernity

July 6th, 2020 by nathan Leave a reply »

Problems of this species composed aatmosfera under which Weber exhaled its writings. The value of these escritoscontinua of foot almost one hundred years after its death. Not because its made genialidadeassim it, but because apresentourespostas the not yet convincing history of our time to the quandaries that touch to the direction and meaning of the life, over all how much to the point of its implications on the knowledge and the method. The intention is not here, clearly, to offer such answers, but only esclarecerisso as a problem that was conscientious and deeply boarded for Weber. The absence of an only direction seprofessava for all the aspects of the life of more or less intense form: emtodas the spheres if evidenced an intransigent shock with the tradition: os' ' great acontecimentos' ' modern, as the French revolution, the religious reform and asquerelas, the capitalism, science, the modern art (l' art pourl' art), as much how much the modern State, expressed in distinct spheres umconflito with the tradition, that implicitly was affirmed until then as osentido only steady of the universe.

In the scope properly philosophical eterico, the consequences and the impacts of this conflict it enters the tradition (quepressupe an only direction for the events of the world) and the modernity (that it discovers the possibility of other directions for the world) enormous, that of certain great form moved to all pensadoresdo modern period, and therefore soincrivelmente impossible to be part of the quarrel. Aquicabe to only mention as modernity, ' ' It was of comparao' ' , as chamouNietzsche 3, placed for the knowledge the fact of that the direction of the universe and the causes domundo and its events in the time, are cultural products and not algoexistente by itself. The world and the universe and, are clearly, history and aexistncia human being, are, in itself, meaningless. But the men, situated in cultural suascomunidades, are capable to infundir a direction to the world and seusacontecimentos.


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