Posts Tagged ‘news & press lyrics’

Watts Industries Germany GmbH

November 22nd, 2024

The Landau company presenting new product highlights ISH 2013. Landau, February 20, 2013 with its competence as the only supplier to the heat transfer independently to develop all components of a control system by the heat distribution and manufacture, is WATTS industries, particularly energy-efficient and powerful complete systems. The company on the ISH underpins this technical advantage 2013 with innovations for optimized climate and comfort through smart-home”solutions. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Chevron Corp. Today the three-part isolation for pumps/mixers groups with high-efficiency pumps complies with future efficiency targets, the maximum efficient thermal insulation offers, not only demonstrably fulfils the requirements of the energy saving Regulation (EnEV), but meets the strict requirements of the European directive on ErP. Tests by the Fraunhofer Institute that impressively. WATTS thus ensures for planning security and a permanently reliable, energy-saving solution.

While the Thermal insulation consists usually of two halves form part of an EPP that fully covered all components, is WATTS on a three-part concept that separates the temperature-sensitive electronic components from hot, water-conducting elements. All temperature-sensitive components are omitted and the required ventilation ensures optimal special vents. Intelligent control technology enables the new home automation BT2 range an efficient and at the same time playing easier handling with energy”for one – and two-family houses. All thermostatic heads can be controlled via a control panel with colour touch screen via radio. Because of a network with bidirectional data exchange settings can be changed on each individual controller so, that they be taken over by the Central. Not only locally, but also by a control over mobile devices such as Smartphone, Tablet PC, or PC is possible via the Internet. As a further supplement an app is designed an operation outside of the own four walls is further simplified.

WATTS supported the smart home “-thoughts, because other radio-controlled devices such as smoke detectors, electric roller shutter, light or presence detectors can be incorporated into the system.” This technique is suitable not only for new buildings, but can be installed also in stock. Visit WATTS INDUSTRIES at the ISH 2013: we – in addition to these two highlights – all other innovations introduce, for example the development of the product family of the floor Distributor. Hall 10.1 booth C 15 about the Watts Industries Germany GmbH is Watts group a global corporate network of over 75 companies in Europe and overseas. Watts Industries is the European Division of Watts water technologies (United States) with more than 20 companies, over 2000 employees and more than 6000 products, which are sold worldwide. Watts Industries Germany GmbH, headquartered in Landau in the Palatinate is one of the leading manufacturers of products and components for Floor heating systems, boiler connection technology, Solarthermiesysteme, wood furnaces and heat pumps. Image material to the press release, see the following link: Watts Industries Germany contact: WATTS industries Germany GmbH Godramsteiner main road 167 76823 Landau P.o. box 1244, 76802 Landau Tel: + 49 63 41 96 56-0 fax: + 49 63 41 96 56-560

Restyling Of Mandarina Duck In Bologna

November 20th, 2024

Reopening of the newly designed by the Atelier Mendini flagship store in Bologna Cadriano/Bologna, July 12, 2012 – Mandarina Duck, the leading brand of leather goods and travel accessories, officially opened on June 27 the renovated flagship store in Bologna with completely newly designed interior. The store is located on the Piazza Galvani, in the heart of the famous shopping district of the capital of the region of Emilia Romagna. On an area of 110 square meters of the new concept store extends from the Studio of the famous designer, Alessandro Mendini is individually designed. “The flagship store in Bologna is particularly important for our brand, because our roots are here”, says Christopher Bizzio, CEO of Mandarina Duck. For this reason we have decided to create a store that reflects the unique and special role, the properties and symbolic values that have shaped the history of the brand in the last 35 years: modernity, functionality and last but not least, joy. “For the boutique in Bologna, chose Mendini polychrome walls, modular, with clear lacquer treated furniture and white shelves glass: all these elements should serve for Mandarina Duck so typical, close relationship with the color as well as the tradition of experimenting with modern finishes to bring.

The functionality, one of the hallmarks of Mandarina Duck, finds himself in the Interior, where the combination of fixed and movable elements supports the product presentation, to provide a unique and worthwhile shopping experience to customers. “Our branch network is growing and this is essential, because the shops are the business card of the brand. With our branches, we present Mandarina Duck existing consumers and especially the potential new customers. The reopening of the flagship store in Bologna confirmed the attention and care that puts the company in the optimization of the sales network and the design of its stores. In this way, Mandarina Duck grows into a global brand with a strong and distinctive personality “, sums up Chistopher Bizzio. Currently there are 46 Mandarina Duck flagship stores around the world..

Professional Association

November 20th, 2024

With the rental deposit Finance Zurich holiday – Easter is a very popular holiday season in the Switzerland. Who still thought that he currently does not have the money for such a holiday, is wrong. Almost every tenant in the Switzerland has the necessary financial resources. Mostly, but is this money on a frozen account and guaranteed the rental deposit for the apartment. The necessary liquidity for a holiday on Easter Sunday in the short term can be created with a deposit guarantee of EuroKaution. And it’s quick and easy! The lessee applied online for a deposit guarantee for his rental deposit and the landlord receives within 24 hours a guarantee certificate from EuroKaution. So the escrow can be resolved and the money is the tenant again free of charge. For the deposit guarantee, the tenant pays only a small amount of the year and the landlord appreciates the lower administrative overhead, because he must do no account now.

Nothing in the way stands the holiday! Even after the A deposit guarantee Easter holidays is a good idea, because of course tenants with EuroKaution AG can at any time freely dispose of their money. A deposit guarantee can replace not only an existing rental deposit, but it is a clever idea at the reins to a new apartment. Learn more about the deposit guarantees under information to the company EuroKaution AG: EuroKaution leader in “Rental without deposit” activity EuroKaution is the provider of deposit guarantees, a modern and cost-effective alternative to the traditional Mietzinsdepots. Together with our product and distribution partners Vaudoise insurance, ImmoScout24, SVIT and Creditreform we are in early 2010 in the Switzerland actively. Services our products easyKaution, businessKaution and studiKaution are deposit guarantees for tenants of residential and commercial space.

Place of business the EuroKaution has its headquarters in Zurich. EuroKaution AG Seestrasse 455 b P.o. box 1182 8038 Zurich press contact EuroKaution Jan D. Leuze Tel: 0800 100 201 exclusive product and sales partnerships Vaudoise insurance are among the ten largest private insurers of the Swiss market, were established in 1895. 1 ensure motivated and competent employees ‘ 300 for the safety of our tenants and landlords. ImmoScout24 is the leading electronic marketplace for residential, holiday and commercial real estate in the Switzerland. Monthly visit about 1.7 million users the housing market with over 100’000 objects. ImmoScout24 is a platform of Scout24 Switzerland AG, the clear leading network of online market places. SVIT Switzerland, the Swiss real estate Association, is the Professional Association of managers, agents and real estate developers, estimators, facility managers and brings together some 25’000 employees of the real estate industry. Creditreform is a modern enterprise cooperatively structured and offers us economic and credit information. Around 200 employees obtain the credit information for us and thus ensure the safety our landlord. International success, the company is active since early 2008 on the German market and has established itself as one of the leading companies in the field of deposit guarantee within a short time.


November 19th, 2024

On the one hand, the change in German living landscapes is to the simple, straightforward interiors, which therefore comes with clear shapes and colors on the other hand, restrained, modern look is required. Follow the online offer of for quite some time and has made many friends. Retro furniture, desks, dining tables, sideboards and coffee and TV tables in minimalist gloss white enjoy the service-friendly family company high popularity. Timeless luxury like no other color white symbolized.

It is over the decades in furniture design for a long time, precisely because it is so timeless, classic and beautiful. In Bell & head shop is a large selection of white high-gloss furniture online to find that were designed by outstanding designers and quickly demonstrate the difference between average furniture and designer furniture – they increase the enjoyment and the level of the Interior visible in the zones of good taste. In the category of retro furniture – living / retromoebel – Bell & head provides a wide variety of furniture in the 1970s look in the various designs such as E.g. retro coffee tables, retro dining tables, retro Chair or retro sideboards before. Except a clear line and the upscale atmosphere, spreading this furniture, the online shop has also excellent purchasing conditions. All retro will be sent free of charge within Germany’s furniture.

New Homepage Of Vantargis Is Online

November 8th, 2024

Information platform around leasing for medium-sized companies Kelkheim the theme, the 07.04.2011 – the Vantargis leasing launches its new website. Under, visitors will find detailed information on the subject of leasing clearly and with numerous underlying functionalities. These include information to the market, to the various leasing options for individual sectors but also explanations about the range of services of the company or understanding of models and the benefits of the service. The possibilities are fully explained and pointed out the prerequisites for its use. Also find visitors practice of medium-sized companies about their experiences with various leasing models. More valuable information, such as the magazine middle-class India log with knowledge, tips and trends in corporate financing are free to order… ready. The site is an interesting information platform for SMEs with its extensive offer on the subject of leasing.

Leasing as a strategic component of corporate finance financial crisis took a substantial portion of equity. In many companies, the subsequent rapid economic recovery in addition binds capital, for example, by the increasing demand for raw materials or high energy costs. Leasing can be here an interesting component of funding”, said Patrick G. Weber, Managing Director of Vantargis leasing. Depending on the needs can be financed via different leasing solutions investment, hidden reserves lifted or even sales increased”. Just machinery, equipment and systems offer great potential and may contribute to the financing of growth. The power spectrum of the Vantargis includes leasing among different leasing and hire-purchase financing for investments in mobile assets for classic machines and systems, as well as sales leasing models. Liquidity for the upswing: reserves lift with sale-and-lease-back the classic new investment leasing is a modern type of financing in the Medium-sized businesses has long been established. Assets worth more than 200 billion euros are currently leased in Germany and leasing is present in almost all sectors of the economy.

New Industry Guide

November 7th, 2024

New industry guide AG plans nationwide updated doctors and authority data for those authorities and doctor visits can belong to the unpleasant Affairs of life. Then, it can be really unpleasant, if you find the right doctor or competent authority not on right off the bat. . Here, the new industry guide AG will help soon with a current and comprehensive medical and authority leaders. In the Medical Director of new industry guide AG doctors and specialists with their respective areas of expertise are listed nationwide, as well as, if possible, with Office hours and whether patients are treated there. edge.. The current leader of the doctor is in the medium term in the new review portal of new industry guide AG () integrated and will include also a specific assessment catalog in addition to the purely technical information about doctors and specialists. This objective, comparable and meaningful reviews to be possible, the other patients help immediately at the choice of the right doctor,”so Hans-Gunter fur, Director of the new business directory AG. Especially in times where the qualitative gap between private – and patients always goes up, keep rising treatment costs and health insurance contributions and the degree of specialisation of doctors is increasing, it is important, a way to give transparent information to hand patients and physicians of new industry guide AG.” This is also possibility for costly treatments to get a second opinion in the dental field.

Of course, doctors can update their data in the new medical director of new industry guide AG itself and for free. In the past years have been for political and financial reasons nearly all authorities, no matter whether on federal, restructured State or municipal level. The best-known example is the employment office that was to the employment agency. To significantly ease the way to the right Office and contact person for all citizens, the new industry guide AG is a completely updated electronic Online provide authority guide on their rating platform “Hans-Gunter fur, Executive Board of the new business book, is pleased about the new offer: thanks to our free service now every citizen with a couple of clicks takes authority and his partner immediately.” Saving for all parties of the time, money and nerves..

Home Equity Loans Options

October 24th, 2024

Homeowners can secure finance if they go for home-equity loans. The amount of loans is decided on the equity value of the home. Home equity loans are a unique option for the homeowners with a sound credit record to secure finance on necessity. He is not required to sell his home to secure finance, and this child of loans will not touch his running mortgage. Generally, the borrowers use the loan amount increased from home equity loans for debt consolidation or for higher studies of their children. They can use the loan amount for renovation of their home and even for holidaying.

The planning is, however, mainly important. Home equity loans are actually equity release schemes which are classified in three categories as the following: 1) loans and mortgage under this scheme one can borrow a part of the value of the home and use the loan amount to meet one’s demand. It is better to engage this amount for renovation of the home, the value of the home will go up. Equity value of the home will be greater for refinancing. Website may not feel the same. (2) home income plan this plan refers to investment of the loan amount in annuity-based schemes in order to generate income for every month. (3) home Reversion schemes this plan allows the homeowner to enhance his earning regularly without leaving own home. The borrowers can secure the total amount of loan for which they must pay interest right away. They may go for home equity line of control and can secure the amount they require.

Of course, there remains a credit limit for the loan-seekers. Click Henry Cornell to learn more. Interest is charged only for the amount of the loan they have used. Advantages of home equity loan are the following: the borrower can obtain the loan quickly and the process is free from extra charges and any other hassles. Interest Council of are very low because of which cost for the loan is finally less. Tax facility is available. The borrowers should consult with the present mortgage company and have some idea about the options they can get. They should try to learn more about home equity loans. There are plenty of banks, offline and online lending agencies from where the borrowers should acquire quotes. They must compare the financial involvement for different quotes, and they must then select a quota and go for it happily.

January Loan

October 23rd, 2024

modify mortgage loans, loan modification, Bank of America-loan modification When you are out to modify mortgage loans, it is imperative for you to know the eligibility criteria otherwise your application could get rejected straightaway. Typically, the Obama loan modification program is aimed at helping struggling house maker to stay in their homes by preventing banking foreclosures. Read more here: Expedia. But to avail the benefits of the plan, borrowers need to satisfy certain requirements as stipulated by the rules of the federal plan. And that could require expert guidance. LoansStore offers professional services to help distressed homeowners in understanding the guidelines of the federal loan modification process and assisting them in preparing the documentation work too so as to qualify for a loan modification under the government scheme. Under the federal loan modification program, incentives are offered to both, the participating mortgage loan modification the lender and the borrower who maintains regularity in paying monthly mortgage installments.

In order to derive this benefit and much more, a house maker needs to headed understand the government loan modification guidelines. To understand this better, suppose you have secured a home mortgage loan from Bank of America prior to or on 1st January 2009, then to be eligible for a Bank of America loan modification plan, you need to satisfy the following rules. The home to be mortgaged should be a primary residence of the applicant. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Henry Cornell. The value of the existing home mortgage should not exceed $729,500 for a single unit home. Only first mortgages can be eligible for a loan modification which means that second mortgages are not approved.

To avail loan modifications under the federal program, the current mortgage payments should be more than or equal to 31% of the borrower’s great monthly income. The above guidelines need to be properly understood as it could convince your lender that you are in dire need of a loan modification. This could help you to lower your monthly mortgage payments. To get more information about Obama loan modification qualifications, you should consult our loan modification specialists. This could enable you to secure expert advice when applying to get approved for the federal loan modification process. Click here to find out whether you qualify for a loan modification today!

Back To School – Gift Ideas From The Photo Gifts Factory Printeria

January 11th, 2023

“Ideal for the back to school gift ideas from the photo book and photo gifts factory printeria Nuremberg, in September 2009 printeria, the Onlineprint portal for individual photo gift items and print products has to the school again an extra page with the motto everything to the school” set to. Many original and practical gift ideas in an extra back to school gift world were put together especially for school. By the photo bag on the self-designed water bottle until down to the very own photo – pencil in September printeria smart gift ideas for small and large school shows. Easy product Favorites select, insert favorite photos of the children and the creative photo gift is ready! Other gift ideas are the photo – ring binder for the most beautiful pictures of the school. Or the postcards that can be sent with the own school pictures to Grandma, Grandpa, and godparents.

The wall Planner and the photo mouse pad and more ideas to round the large selection of photo gifts off. Personalized gifts to the school will also have an advantage they are unique! printeria is one of the leading providers for individual and high-quality photo books, photo calendars and photo gifts on the Internet since 2004. About 200 items such as photo books, photo calendars, cups, clothing, canvas bags, cards and murals on real canvas and much more, the great photo gifts range of known OnlinePrint platform includes. With the own digital photos all products can be made directly online at as well as with the free download software DigitalPrintLab on high professional level and then ordered. Test victories and publications purchase recommendations underline the high quality of photo gifts and free design software DigitalPrintlab by printeria. With its design software DigitalPrintLab provides printeria the customers a software, which allows creative freedom to a large extent. Layout, image placement and Image sizes, text boxes, and their editing, inserting clip art, your own pictures as background images, several alienation effects all this and much more are features that are familiar from professional design programs here.

But also for the customer, who rather easily and quickly wants to shape his photo gifts, corresponding functions available. So you are addressed in addition to computer-related users each, would deal only with the media, who want to take full advantage of the individual photo gifts from printeria. printeria is a registered trademark of UNITED SHOP SERVICES GmbH & co. KG. printeria, the Internet portal for custom photo gifts, was founded in 2004. Under the motto the new delight in the photo ‘ are now more than 200 photo gifts to personalize with own digital images to choose from. The selection ranges from the photo book collection of photo calendars, clothing, fun products and games to the fashionably current tarp bags whose cover flaps, also with own images are individually designed. The product range is continuously expanded. The entire product range can be made directly online, as well as with the free software DigitalPrintLab offline at a professional level and then ordered. The photo gifts are all produced with the most advanced digital printing technologies.

Central Association

May 5th, 2020

The Foundation is a member of the Federal Association of German foundations. About pilot, pilot ( makes advertising for the digital age. Independent and owner-operated agency group includes media consulting, interactive media, digital creation, performance marketing, Web TV, content and technologies for digital screens, media and industrial cooperation, as well as the marketing consulting and marketing in the sports business. In addition, pilot to secure the success of the campaign has an own market and advertising research team. The pilots realize together true to their motto from here in the future”campaigns that attract attention and proven success for customers of the Agency bring. Pilot is launched in 1999 as a media agency for traditional and digital media. But also the design and production of campaigns was an important component of the pilot of range of services from the outset. “” Because the classic separation of media and creation of old “and new” Media belongs to the past. Today, over 300 specialists of in various professional areas at the sites of Hamburg, Munich, Berlin, Stuttgart and Vienna work closely together and cover the entire spectrum of media, design and technology. Customers include leading national and international companies such as AIDA, Bacardi, maker yogurt, Bionade, Boehringer Ingelheim, Conditorei Coppenrath & Wiese, first, German savings bank and Giro Association, EnBW, fidelity, Fisherman’s friend, Hansa, mineral wells, HanseMerkur, Highlands, Kuhne, mentos, mobilcom-debitel, and New York, OTTO, Procter & gamble, Radeberger Group, Reemtsma, Scout24, telegate 11 88 0, Tillman’s toasty tip 24, Volkswagen Bank and Central Association of the German craft.