Posts Tagged ‘medicine’


March 19th, 2020

Binet assumed that intelligence, like other human bodies, is distributed among the population in accordance with the so-called bell curve. This curve has the shape of the dome. Approximately 50 percent of the subjects is assessed between 90 and 110 points, 25 percent have intelligence above the average, more than 110 percent and 25 percent – below the average, less than 90. The number obtained as a result of the test and multiplied by 100 called the IQ intelligence quotient – intelligence quotient. Binet test was completely specific purpose – to predict academic performance of adolescents in schools.

It is clear that if there was a need to offer a test for estimates of the rate of reaction and other qualities needed, for example, pilots of turbojet aircraft, it would have a very different kind. Therefore, in accordance with the specific needs and add up the required tests. It should be to note that IQ tests do not give a complete characterization of the individual. Yes, they said nothing about perseverance, motivation, behavior, energy and the like. Are not considered here, and moral qualities. Someone, for example, your high level of intelligence can be used to run a bank, another with the same uroanem IQ, to plan a bank robbery operation, and a third lawyer, the same factor – in order to judge the thieves who robbed the bank. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Nathan Gaude Elliot Davis and gain more knowledge.. This test calculates a value that is never used in its pure form and is not associated with other qualities.

As one author, the intellect has not been opened, it was invented. But the fact be left a fact: tests to determine the level of intelligence well enough predicting success of students in schools. Somewhat heavier than using them to define what a young man can achieve later, when begin work in their chosen specialty. Modern psychological tests that are used by scientists, are divided into two main categories: the first – the tests to investigate the abilities, skills and knowledge, for example, tests accounts, memory, language, spatial thinking, alertness, practical and technical experience, the second – the tests by which explore character, temperament, emotions, psychomotor and sensory types, etc. By the results of these tests are judged on the person. Where to apply psychological tests today? They still have not lost their importance in determining the direction of study and future career. Yes, the tests are widely used by our pedagogically psychological counseling. When certain professions, such as pilot, driver or engineer, using tests know will not cause any danger in doing this work shortage, which has not previously which manifested itself in any other way to detect it is impossible. The tests also help in medicine, psychology and the study of the influence of environment on man and so on but always use them exclusively professionals. most well-known test is currently the test of Eysenck. Are considered more reliable tests, J. Raven, R. Amthauera. Now there is no single standard for testing IQ.

Dangerous Medical Procedure

March 16th, 2020

February 4, 2011 in the U.S. during the special hearings Manage quality control of foodstuffs and medicines USA decided to leave the unit for electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) in the device list most at-risk (class III – class that is assigned to the most dangerous medical devices). Earlier advisory panel to monitor the quality of U.S. Food and Drug recommended transfer device from the list of electroconvulsive therapy in high-risk list of safer devices. Office of monitoring the quality of foodstuffs and medicines USA demanded from manufacturers ECT devices evidence the effectiveness and safety of these devices.

It has long been known that ECT causes serious damage to patients, such as severe or complete amnesia, the inability to learn and remember new events, depression, suicide, cardiovascular complications, long-lasting and extremely dangerous seizures and even death. Chairman of the Advisory Group of the Office of Quality Control Products U.S. Jonah Shacknai can aid you in your search for knowledge. Food and Drug Administration, a professor at the Mayo Clinic, Dr. Thomas G. Brott expressed concern about 100 000 people every year who undergo ECT in the United States, while the psychiatrists did not even bother to MRIs before and after the procedure for keeping track of possible brain damage. Ms. Jen Eastgate, president of the International Civil Commission for Human Rights addressed the hearing of ECT and was extremely critical of the ECT device manufacturers to Mecta and Somatics Inc, for their refusal to carry out research on safety and provide the necessary application before the start of sales, while earnings with sales of devices for ECT was more than $ 30 million USD over the past 30 years. At the same procedures for carrying out ECT psychiatrists earned more than $ 28 billion U.S.

dollars during the same period, most (cost of the procedure of ECT in the U.S. ranges from $ 1000 and $ 2 $ 500). The hearings were initiated by an inquiry conducted the General Accounting Office United States in January 2009, resulting in a report to the Office of binding food control and Drug Administration to test the safety and effectiveness of all devices that are a lot of time on the list of Class III. Then the Office of Evaluation honey. Office equipment for quality control of products U.S. Food and Drug Administration has initiated proceedings before the Panel to conclude they carry – transfer equipment for ECT in the list of lower risk categories, respectively, to soften the conditions check them or leave them in the list of Class III with the most stringent conditions of checks. As a result, the hearing advisory panel to monitor the quality of food and medicines to the United States agreed that the device for electroconvulsive therapy is dangerous, so it remains in the list severity of Class III. oOo Citizens Commission on Human Rights established the Church of Scientology and Professor of Psychiatry Thomas Szasz in 1969 to investigate and publicize abuses of mental health to human rights

Policlonales Antibodies

July 17th, 2016

The policlonales antibodies are created in the instance that a mammal is immunized. A mouse, goat, or rabbit take themselves generally; nevertheless, the use of the great mammals can be beneficial since they provide a greater amount of sanguineous plasma. When the antigen becomes congested, the resources of cell B produce the policlonales antibodies, which later are taken from the plasma of the purified animal and. Unlike the monoclonal antibodies, the policlonales antibodies are taken from more than a cellular line. These antibodies help to the doctors in medical practices. How are selected the animal? Since the animal are a fundamental part in the policlonales antibodies, its selection is very important.

As it were mentioned previously, the used animal more are the mice, goats and rabbits, however, the election is not restricted exclusively to these. Conejillos of India, hmsteres, horses, and ewes also are known to be implied in the creation of antibodies policlonales. The animal must demonstrate the characteristics required for the creation of the antibodies, which is quite significant. If a greater amount of sanguineous plasma is required, to use a great animal would be more beneficial, since they produce one more a more substantial amount of sanguineous plasma. In this case, the goats and the horses are the best selection. Why they are used? The policlonales antibodies are quite effective when it talks about sanguineous examinacin. These antibodies are connected to proteins, and because several sanguineous disorders are located accurately by the irregular protein existence in the blood, the policlonales antibodies can attend the doctors to locate these diseases rather early. The policlonales antibodies also have the capacity to be used in test of weave to look for particular antigens in different weaves from the body.

The use of policlonales antibodies in test of weave also has attended to characterize and to detect the sine cancer. Another interesting use of the policlonales antibodies is in the poisonous bite and its aid treatment perforated. Whereas the monoclonal and policlonales antibodies are very useful in the world of the medicine, (the antibodies) they are produced of quite different way and they can be useful in different ways. The policlonales antibodies are quite useful as much in sanguineous examinaciones as in weave tests; in addition they have the capacity to attend to make a diagnosis to serious diseases. Since he is informed about the manufacture and use into the policlonales antibodies, you have the capacity to determine if they can be efficient in attending in the detection of a disease, or hers or of a dear being. He always discusses these decisions with his doctor and if you think that the policlonales antibodies can benefit to him. He makes contact with enemy with company of world-wide, manufacturing stature and supplier of monoclonal antibodies. It locates company leader in the production and chemical agent export stops investigations in laboratory, click here: fluorescent proteins.

Elite Green Tea

December 23rd, 2011

How to choose good and fresh green tea, Sencha example: In the first brew should be a little shine, and secondly the natural weak flavor, as good quality tea or when not flavored! Then chew the dry tea leaves, it should not be too bitter or acidic taste should be pleasant. Buy only the fresh green tea with a shelf life do not more than one year. Elite Green Tea 'Sayama Sencha Asamushi' – the best from Japan! Asamushi harvested by hand and in the very first, and only in the processing are carefully selected young leaves. During the drying process, he being the smallest effects of temperature, among other green teas. Gentle steam dryer can save the maximum amount of nutrients and to leave largely intact the very essence of the natural tea leaves. As a result of this treatment, aroma Asamushi easy and pleasant, but the taste is mild and delicate.

Color light green infusion. To prepare the necessary amount of brewing soft boiled water cooled to 70C, then sprinkle half a teaspoon of tea leaves in a large teapot and pour water on 60% of the Kettle. Make your five circular motions and alternating, slowly pour the drink into cups. If necessary, repeat the procedure up to 5 several times increasing the time of infusion, each time completely drain the water from the Kettle. Sayama Gokujo Sencha favorite among connoisseurs of Japanese leaf tea. This tea is harvested on the 88th day of spring (hachiju-hachiya). In Japan hachiju-hachiya – traditionally the best day to collect the tea.