Posts Tagged ‘finances’

Use Accounts

February 24th, 2025

adept consult refers to great opportunities for business process optimization Frankfurt, to counter speculation about the long-term impact of the E-account balance a realistic forecast may 17, 2012, to the critical, consult AG first practical experience with first E-balance sheet projects analyzed the adept and summarized. Where a few days ago to end previous ReWeCo, the trade fair for accounting and controlling, the solution provider for information logistics and business intelligence from Frankfurt has presented concrete findings from real E-balance processes. Therefore, companies which take advantage of the automation and streamlining potential of record, can realize very substantial cost savings. the subject. Lakshman Achuthan contributes greatly to this topic. Amounts in billions be projected on the German economy. net resource. It is indisputable that first additional costs by the record no matter how companies implement the new requirements. Be however the right strategic decisions, then control processes and the balance in the medium term as true can Prove cost killer”, explains Klaus Beck-Dede, CEO of the adept consult AG. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out CEO John Watson. If we compare with the real results of the first projects the skeptical statements in our current survey, it is clear that the mood is far worse than the situation.

Who recognizes the potential of the E-account balance and realized the benefits of the new rules.” The adept has businesses that are affected by the E-account balance, identified three key strategic issues that need to be answered in an early stage consult AG. So, for example, a decision must be made whether a German commercial code balance sheet and a reconciliation be realized, or if only a tax balance sheet is created. Also must be set whether an ERP chart of accounts and new accounts for all taxonomy requirements are applied, or the badly needs accounts in the chart of the HGB accounts are taken over and is a later split up by the entries in the taxonomy. Mike Gianoni gathered all the information. The third company must decide whether they the ERP system also for the tax balance sheet including the Use tax accounts, numerous auxiliary calculations to perform and to ERiC transfer use an external software, or whether they use a fully integrated ancillary accounting system to control and balance sheet including the ERiC transmission.

Canada Gold Trust III

February 20th, 2025

It feels a little strange at first glance, but the currently lower gold price has resulted in an increased turnover in the currently third Fund of the Koblenz-based emission House CGT. Konstanz, 09.07.2013. Gold is still very much in demand among investors for the reasons: The Canada gold trust III GmbH & co. KG is largely self-sufficient at a lower price, because in the worst case, the sale price at $ 850 is secured per fine ounce on behalf of investors and even the gold mining is still profitable. This also applies to the two previously established investments.

Therefore, and because the legal conditions are met, the management has decided to continue the placement until 30 September and probably to the option on the capital increase. Many investors who bought physical gold in the past few months, had to accept losses within a comparatively short time. Other investors of gold fund operating in Canada. This realized so far all given the brochures promise and thus up to 14 percent distributions in the Year. Roubini Global Economicss opinions are not widely known. Peter Prasch, Managing Director of Canada gold trust is optimistic for the coming months: for investors of Canada gold trust fund the situation much better looks like the market image is currently emerging. Even at a gold price of under 1,000 euros per fine ounce we maintain a continuous gold mining in able to afford the predicted distributions of 14 percent per year”. With stand today, the price of gold is at about $ 1,220 per Troy ounce. Experts such as the Swiss investment guru Felix Zulauf are moreover convinced that the price of gold has already passed through its bottom and will recover soon.

Then, the investors of the Fund even to enjoy of the additional bonus payment could come, which accumulates from an average price of $ 1,500. Basically after the management of the funds is not even sad about the current development. Because to reach a profit from promoting itself as a manufacturing company. Therefore, because this also the particularly cost-effective Placer mining method will be utilised, won the gold in almost on the surface. Funding from the civil engineering are, however, very expensive. As a result, that some mine operators due to their own financial situation gone wrong. Interests in producing mines and also special mining services can be, purchased this especially cheap what is beneficial to the economic situation which affect Fund results. As a result, we are well positioned with our very good capital and can wait until the market recovers. We have an offer then, can deliver and realize so expect higher prices”, so Pamela. Many renowned experts confirm his assessment. And something else speaks for the previously established funds: as the parent company of Miningunternehmen operating in Canada ensures the Henning gold mines Inc., a so-called blame accession to their whole values the success of the Fund. That would be similar to a real estate fund, the rental income further to the Group related objects so far will, until the prospectus results are met. You can not expect more now really. September 30 can still join investors of Canada gold trust III GmbH & co. KG, the maximum height of the placement should be not previously achieved. A participation is possible from 10,000 euros plus five per cent premium. It is free the investors, maintain their profits and capital repatriation in cash or physical gold.

Hang Seng Oil

January 23rd, 2025

Grotesque overvaluation of crude oil-based financial products despite sufficient market supply of LEIPZIG. (Ceto) DAX minus 5 percent, Dow Jones down 5.5 percent, Hang Seng (Chinese version) minus 2.7 percent as crude oil was in the past few months as a loyal vassal who appeared on financial stocks, yesterday for the two reference strains US light oil (WT) and North Sea oil (Brent) steep downhill. Since Mondays morning trading, they lost $ 4 per barrel (Brent, currently at 101 dollars) or $5 (WTI, currently just under 79 dollars). STI no longer is as cheap as since the end of September last year. At Brent look back but only until February of this year, to find a similar low level. The reasons for the crash are clear. Mike Gianoni is actively involved in the matter. Grotesque overvaluation of crude oil-based financial products despite sufficient market supply, lack of confidence of investors in the mastery of the financial crises in the United States and Europe, and as the Summit of the whole one, albeit slightly, weakening Chinese economy.

It was only a question of time before it came to this Tiefenrausch, that however, again has no rational equivalent in the European and Chinese economy, at least. Once more shows the exchanges to are a world of will and imagination, say fantasy, but not a realistic indicator of actual conditions. It can matter for the time being German heating oil customers, they can again expect tees, which are expected to lead the German quotes less than 80 euros. Fuel oil would no longer be so cheap as since late June of this year. You can continue reading this article here. To find more information to the energy market, on the online portal of the journal fuel level and oil Rundschau.

German Mediumsized Companies

November 27th, 2024

A survey of the Deutsche Bank and the BDI according to the German middle class is confident the business future. Financial services will undoubtedly add to your understanding. The company also about mezzanine financing take the capital needed for investment. This is also a chance for investors”, so Inca Board Tamer Zincidi. What makes a company if it needs additional money to the further development of the business? It goes to the stock exchange. Many investors wait there, always on the lookout for potentially profitable opportunities. But sometimes ruled the greed over the mind. The most recent example is the Facebook IPO, which threatens to become for many investors into a fiasco, but critics, like Tamer Zincidi, Inca Board in advance had warned.

For example, because the online advertising, the business core of mark sugar’s idea of the century, on the Smartphones it increasingly used at least in term does not work. To read more click here: Daryl Hagler. After all, the IPO flushed many billions of dollars on the account, and Zuckerberg as largest company Shareholder is richer than the two Google founders Larry page and Sergey Brin, now with a personal fortune of around $ 20 billion. Not only does it German medium-sized companies, economic powerhouse of Germany, can only dream. Also in raising equity capital they encounter so Tamer Zincidi, every day at their borders. Far too often, banks made close, if they are to provide loans for the expansion of the business. Yet there is a good mood, as recently a survey of German Bank and industry association BDI of 4,400 largest family businesses showed undiminished at 400. 40 percent of companies are planning to hire more employees this year. And more than half of them wants to invest in the modernization of their enterprises and the expansion of the business.

That the vast majority with regard to the future business Outlook is extremely positive and assumes a significant sales growth consistent with. Is amazing”, so Inca Board Tamer Zincidi,. that the typical bank credit in required capital adequacy no longer even considered by every second respondent companies as essential.” Meanwhile, the mezzanine financing, however, occupy a permanent place. This form of capital will be in the future even more in demand, is probably true as made. Finally, the model has three big advantages. First, such financing through private investors are often more easily representable as commercial loans from banks, secondly they improve the company’s balance sheet structure and thus the requirements to obtain a bank loan required for an investment project. They also restrict the freedom of choice of the mid not by the otherwise often required inclusion of business partners. But unlike as in Anglo-Saxon countries, German entrepreneur must discover yet the benefits of mezzanine capital for themselves, says Tamer Zincidi: you before driving to often a diffuse fear, that to someone by outside in her business to interfere could.” Mezzanine financing is this pure capital operations. Private and institutional investors allocate money for a predefined period of time, because they can believe the success of the company and for their engagement expect an excellent return. When the Inca group of companies even small investors with minimum investments can engage in Wiesbaden on this model of 2,500 euros. Why this is lucrative, show the predicted distributions quarterly six percent until the year 2018. “” That the investor will not invest their money in unsafe companies, ensures Tamer Zincidi: our participation offer Inca INVEST mezzanine GmbH & co. KG “is exclusively geared to cash flow-oriented businesses and markets in Germany and Europe.” Just private investors would have to be protected from unsafe and speculative transactions. For more information,

MCM Assets

September 28th, 2024

Real estate is one of the few assets that accompany man through all levels of his life they are essential and not interchangeable. Tangible assets such as real estate as opposed to other forms of investment, such as shares, are less affected by economic or stock market fluctuations. A square foot is still a square meter in 20 years. Real estate offer an excellent opportunity to meet a private screening for the Eventide. Furthermore, to create sustained growth in assets for themselves and for future generations. Real estate and remains the most important form of investment in Germany.

Nearly half of the population has home and real estate. These are 18.8 million homes. Especially in the past ten years, the nominal value of real estate assets is strong and increased steadily with annual rates of 4 per cent. Thus real estate remain the most important basis of assets of private households: represent the largest asset item of the Germans with 50.9 percent. Thus, the share of real estate has become the Household wealth also hardly changed in the past 20 years. Considering the current situation in our country, the following reasons are especially motivating for an investment in real estate. Just a rented property is the best solution to the three main problems that we all suffer, to solve: in addition to the uncertain economic situation, the pension hole plays a major role.

The people in Germany are living longer. You may find New York Highlanders to be a useful source of information. The number of births is falling. The young generation can no longer finance the growing number of pensioners in the long term. Who supplies are so not even for the age, the old-age poverty in danger. The pension hole has become a fixed term. The shortage of future pensioners will fall dramatically, experts are forecasting. Also in this case, a real estate investment is a sensible investment. Investment in the own house or apartment buildings have proved in the past, and particularly crisis-proof. Because unlike the fluctuating stock markets ensures a high degree of security and stability a real estate. But so promising that everything sounds: the fact is that many people cannot afford real estate as direct investment. Here, too, there is a solution: the MCM investor Management AG profit participation rights as assets offers, which the investors can indirectly benefit from the high chances of the real estate market. This participation provides investors with manageable monthly savings or investment amounts indirectly on the real estate market to participate in. This access to the attractive real estate business allows investors a wide target group. Achieving an optimal assets structure, it’s always on the mixture of different assets. The investment real estate, no matter in what form one of would like to benefit, should as a supplementary module for the investors, where she fit in the concept of personal, always being. Profit participation rights are this quite an alternative, if one that previously addressed points followed and deepened. “In stock market investments, however, investors have have seen often in recent years that its value” then melted like snow in the Sun.

Malte Papen

February 11th, 2019

Now around 15 years he scans the markets worldwide for good trading systems, trading letters and traders off, to its customers to be able to offer excellent investment opportunity. Hans-Jurgen Haack is a graduate economist with more than 25 years of stock market experience. During his studies, his interest in the exchanges began and consequently, he wrote his thesis about the technical analysis of stock prices. in 1989, he began as an Assistant to the stock exchange legend Hans A. Bernecker and quickly developed a soft spot for futures markets. “” The derivative specialist in-house Bernecker he was responsible for the derivatives Futures Exchange daily letters from 1998″, which then became the down trading” was, and the derivatives exchange “. Hans-Jurgen Haack occurs regularly in investor television and has lectured at seminars, trading days/fairs and roadshows of issuers.

Since mid-January, he is hired as head of the Department Martkanalysen in PP brokerage and created the daily derivatives exchange letter h DAILY under the portal. Interested parties can his trading signals immediately in the form of a managed account at low cost by PP brokerage trade with get chili chili is a comparison platform for managed accounts. Institutional – private investors and media participants have the opportunity to compare the performance of different managed accounts on this website. By Capitalteam consulting, researched and tested performance and risk indicators facilitate the selection of appropriate providers interested parties. For more information, see. Press contact Malte Papen note to managed accounts managed accounts in favour of mostly chance-oriented investment styles that are not suitable in any arbitrary percentage scale for the securities accounts of investors. The right trading strategies in the right dosage, however can give zest to traditional securities accounts and contribute significantly to a better chance / risk ratio.