Posts Tagged ‘environment’


July 4th, 2020

Under the rubble were up to four thousand people. Hear other arguments on the topic with Expedia CEO. In May 2008, in Sichuan province in the south China, 92 kilometers from the provincial capital – the city of Chengdu – was a powerful earthquake of magnitude 7.9, which claimed the lives of up to 87 thousand people, 370 thousand were injured, left homeless five million inhabitants. Sichuan was the strongest earthquake in China since Tangshan (1976), which claimed about 250 thousand lives. In late May 2006 when an earthquake measuring 6.2 points on the island of Java in Indonesia died 6000 618. Hardest hit city Yogyakarta and surrounding areas. Paul Price will not settle for partial explanations. Tremors have destroyed 200 thousand homes.

Without a roof over their heads were about 647 thousand people. Eighth in October 2005 in Pakistan quake with a magnitude of 7.6 was the strongest for all time seismic monitoring in South Asia. According to official figures, killed more than 73 000 people, including 17 000 children. By some estimates, the death toll was over 100 thousand people. At the end of December 2004 off the east coast Indonesian island of Sumatra was one of the strongest and most destructive earthquakes in modern history. The tidal wave caused by this earthquake force 8.9 on the Richter scale, struck the coast Sri Lanka, India, Indonesia, Thailand and Malaysia. The total number of victims in the tsunami-affected countries still do not know, but, according to various sources, this figure is approximately 230 thousand people. In December, the largest earthquake in the last ten years have seen the south-east Iran.

Sketch Capital

September 27th, 2019

For Coleman the capital stock must be understood as a resource for the people and, being thus, it is produced from the changes of the interpersonal relations that facilitate definitive actions; on this form, the capital stock depends on the individual action for the production of a collective good and is supported by two pillars, the confidence and the reciprocity. Most interesting in this perspective he is that those that generate capital stock is benefited only of a small part of the all that was produced (COLEMAN, 1999:39). The concept of capital stock presents as a primordial component in the production of bows of reciprocity inside of groups or communities, being that its ticket of the level micron for the macro not yet is identifiable for the instruments and analyses of current social science. This is a question that deserves a deepened quarrel, in view of the fact that studies as of Putnam (1997) support this argument. Although the identification of the capital stock in described events for Coleman, is necessary to identify, by means of the conceptual treatment, who is the possessors of capital stock, which is the sources of capital stock and which are the resources of capital stock (Transports, 2001:47).

Moreover, she is necessary to analyze if the constitution of social bows can lead to the creation of social structures where the result of its dynamic can be the corrosion of the proper capital stock in relation external groups. The scientist politician Robert Salisbury advanced the term as a critical component of interest group formation in 1969 its article ' ' An Exchange Theory of Interest Groups' ' in the Official Midwest of Sciences Politics. Pierre Bourdieu used the term in 1972, its Sketch of a Theory of the Practical one, and clarificou the expression some years later, in cultural contrast with, the economic and symbolic capital.

The Preservation

November 8th, 2012

To inform the schools and community the importance of the garbage collection produced in the schools and the city, and to stimulate its participation in this activity, clarifying that all garbage must be collected correctly (selectively), acquiring knowledge the population how much to the preservation of the environment. This trend of the ambient education (…), leaves of being politically neutral, when going beyond the consequences of the ambient crisis. It consolidates an argument that legitimizes the critical one to the capitalist system, evidencing that the cause of the ambient degradation is the same one of the social degradation. It argues the ways of appropriation and private use of the natural resources and human, it points the conflicts ambient partners from there happened, and identifying not only the ambient degradation, but also critical of its effect (Layrargues & Loureiro, 2000, p.6). Ahead of the reality found in the daily one of the marapaniense population the development of activities becomes important that can stimulate children and adults the conservation and preservation of the rivers and fens of the region, in which today it meets total fragilizados and poludos for the man. It is evident that when plays garbage in the port where fishing bring alongside its canoes and boats of fish, will consequently go to poluir this environment, because these lixos contain toxic and dangerous substances for the environment and that live in it. , Becoming very thus difficult the life of the beings that inhabit there as the plants and the fish. The collection of the garbage is made two or three times per week of well archaic form, in a dump-cart of the city hall with all the mixed lixos, after the collection, are always in the city the residues in the way, however that garbage left for the community in the port of the fishing continues there until turning a mountain.