Posts Tagged ‘construction and repair’

Exclusion Of Persons From The SROs In The Building. Part 1

October 31st, 2019

Of greatest interest is the order of involuntary termination of membership in the sro in the building, ie exclude persons from the sro. From the standpoint of the author of this article, in Part 2 of Art. 55.7 grk Russian lawmaker has applied unsuccessfully language, writing that 'self-regulatory organization decides to expel a member if: ' There are two problems: firstly, whether available in Part 2 of Art. 55.7 gdc Russia list of grounds for exclusion from sro members in the construction of an exhaustive, and secondly, the exclusion of individuals from member organizations in these cases – it's right or duty of the sro? Answering the first question should refer to the standards of paragraph 4 of Art. 8 of the Law on Non-Profit organizations, according to which a member of the nonprofit partnership may be expelled by a decision of the remaining members in the cases and the procedure stipulated by the constituent documents of the nonprofit partnership, except when the non-profit partnership has acquired the status of sro in the building. If a non-profit partnership acquired the status of sro, then, according to the legislator, the grounds and procedure for expulsion of members partnership can not be established by the constituent documents, and must be prescribed by law. Thus, in accordance with Art.

10 of the self-regulatory organizations face exclusion from the members of the cpo can be used solely as a disciplinary measure in cases where it is recommended that disciplinary body SROs and confirmed by a permanent collegial body. Returning to the list of grounds exclusion of members of the SROs in the construction set part 2 of article. 55.7 gdc Russia, we should recognize that because of what was said earlier, the list should be regarded as exhaustive and is not subject to broad interpretation by inclusion in the internal documents of cpo in the construction of other provisions. To understand how such a restriction is justified, consider establishing a list of legislators. It includes: 1) non-member of the sro construction of the technical regulations that has caused harm, and 2) repeated within one year, or a gross violation of a member of the sro in the construction requirements for issuing certificates of admission, requirements technical rules, control rules in the field of self-regulation, standards requirements and (or) the requirements of the rules of self-regulation, and 3) repeated failure to pay within one year or late payment for One year membership fee, and 4) failure to pay on time contribution to the compensation fund, and 5) the absence of an individual entrepreneur or legal entity – a member of the sro in the construction of the certificate of admission to at least one type of work issued by a given cpo. Expel a member of sro in the building for other reasons can not. However, members of SROs – in addition to compliance with technical regulations and requirements for issuing certificates of admission, the rules control self-regulation, the requirements of standards and rules of self-regulation and meeting financial obligations to the sro in the building – must fulfill other duties of a non-profit organizations, such as participate in its activities. If a member of the partnership sabotages participate in general meetings than calling into question the possibility of making partnership decisions necessary to carry out its functions, such a term it would be logical excluded from the organization. In sro, however, is not allowed, so the self-regulatory organization will have to seek other ways of influencing such terms.

Highrise Construction

August 5th, 2015

High-rise building in the capital can be viewed from different sides. Here we must weigh the pros and cons. Positive elements of this construction is: a huge saving land; Low cost and savings funds; More modern architecture of buildings, creation of vertical dominants in the architecturally significant parts of the city. Since today the cost of land in Moscow for building a measure of the cost of the building, a construction site has a huge potential. From everyday promoting scientific and technological revolution in construction, high-rise steel on a few points more reliable, more comfortable and durable. Moscow – a metropolis, one of modern cities in the world, so the elite and modern high-rise buildings have become an integral part of it. Of course there are some unpleasant moments in this business: We need more accurate, is deeply analyzed and volumetric calculations in the draft skyscrapers; Must be a hundred percent utilities and housing characteristics that is lacking our glorious engineers; skills of our workers and engineers mismatch necessary standards with all its consequences; Well and, accordingly, require expensive construction technique, which, unfortunately, we must buy abroad. Despite all this, the new government's program to build high-rises give us reason to hope the success of the construction process in Moscow.

Regulation Of Plastic Windows

December 17th, 2013

In the case of plastic windows installed in the new house is required to regulate. The problem is that new buildings must shrink (shrink. Due to the shrinkage of the buildings violated a perfect seal system consolidations. Geometry and density of the windows do not have to suffer. When the operation control can change the situation through the shutter supplies is very important.

Perfect accessories to ensure regulation in three planes and two points of rotation, as well as regulation of the degree of clips shutter to the structure of the entire perimeter of the window opening. Horizontal control the main loop of the group can move main angle on the left – right, at the same time including shutters – or counter-clockwise around the bottom of the loop. And horizontal adjustment of the lower loop allows to move the lower left corner – right simultaneously including shutters – or counter-clockwise around the main loop. Due to the vertical control of the lower loop knot group holds fall recovery. In addition, it is possible to change the angle rotation along the horizontal axis of rotation, coinciding with the departure window, fixing the shutter by controlling the structure of the main loop of the group.

In the case of incorrect fitting window shutters can hang on the bottom loop. To restore the normal functioning of the window, click on the bar far side of the shutter (perpendicular to its surface), is the main corner closest to the loop. One hand to press the lever blocker located on the shutter in the pen and the second to turn the handle in a horizontal position. Scissors on the shutter and the structure should incorporate. Can then be released the lever blocker. Thus, all manipulations handle must be made exclusively in a closed window frame.