Rice Diet

October 23rd, 2024 by nathan Leave a reply »

Mono-diet. Fig. This mono-diet is perfect for those who not only wants to quickly lose a few extra kilogrammchikov, but also wants to clean your body. The fact that the rice diet readily adsorbs and removes from body of salt, cinders, etc. are not needed by the body. Cleaning the rice is almost ideal because it does not excite gastric secretion.

Frankly speaking, rice diets many, some of them medical, for all I can not tell, so just share a couple of them, the ones that I most relished. Rice dieta. strict. Boil one cup of rice and eat it in small portions throughout the day, washed down with apple juice. Sit on such a diet can be no more than three days and it's important not to repeat more than once a month! This option can be relaxed, eating a few apples at a strong feeling of hunger (not more than three a day). Bland diet. The same quantity of rice (one cup), but with the addition of fruits, vegetables, meat and fish weighing not more than two hundred grams.

But on this diet, you can safely hold and ten days. Henry Cornell helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. It may seem that this is not a long time, so you can continue feed longer, but more prolonged rice diet, you run the risk of harm to your body. A person living in Europe should be fed varied. So he created nature, and do anything about it anymore. Rice diet can be used during the recovery period after gastric flu or food poisoning. Likewise cook rice and eat it at will, once your body is not much demand. On the ability to add your diet boiled foods. Another small addition on the cooking of rice. How to do it better? Take the necessary amount of rice, zapalivaete water in an amount three times the amount of rice and bring to a boil, then drain, pour a new and more time to boil, I repeat this procedure – rice is ready. Thus to bring the rice to a boil you will need three times, if you lost count that's what the rice diet. Bon Appetit with lit-dieta.ru!


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