The Tagesgeld of of Bank of Scotland presented now with 2.40 percent interest per year. In addition, new customers will receive a credit of 30 euros. informs: the Bank of Scotland has undergone its overnight interest rates a further correction. Hear other arguments on the topic with Rogers Holdings. Whole 2.40% p.a. Mike Gianoni is the source for more interesting facts. interest get investors on deposits, which leave on the day money account. Not only the interest rate increase of 10 basis points is expected are savers but also the starting credit of 30 euros will be retained. There in the generous bonus of 30 opening of accounts until July 15 2011.
prerequisite, however, is that an amount on the day money will be transferred within 6 weeks. 2.40% interest p.a. the Bank of Scotland further expanding its leading position compared with the money. Every investor can come enjoy unconditional day money account of the Bank of Scotland. Because the one makes the Bank of Scotland no difference between new and existing customers on the other hand there is no minimum investment, giving mostly just for small investors insurmountable Hurdle. The day money account through a high level of transparency that is 2.40% p.a. interest already convinced it as the first landscaped euro.
The maximum investment is at 500,000 euros, however, investors should keep the deposit insurance in the eye. By the British deposit protection fund the deposits of each customer are protected up to 85,000 British pounds (approximately 98,000 euros). For most of the day money customers this sum should be sufficient but totally, sure to put their savings. There’s more on the subject of deposit insurance, under Advisor/deposit insurance. Since its market launch, the success rate of the Bank of Scotland goes in January 2009 steeply upwards. Numerous awards and test victories decorate the Gallery of the direct bank. But not before the jury, it convinced the British tradition. Already after two years the Bank was in charge of Scotland more than 250,000 customers in the areas of call money and term deposits.