
April 23rd, 2016 by nathan Leave a reply »

Tick: they are more difficult to combat and can also transmit diseases. In some areas are a problem and you must use effective products to combat them, in addition to immediately remove any tick see you in your dog. Mosquito: If you live in an area where the disease Lehismaniosis is common (the area of the Mediterranean and Central), take all necessary precautions to protect your dog from mosquito bites, which are the transmitters of the organism that causes it. Consult your veterinarian regarding products and protocols to be followed to prevent this disease. FEEDING a proper dog feeding is essential for proper development and health of the dog.

There are basically two types of power: natural and commercial (I think). We are in favour of the natural diet, it is that we give to our dogs and which recommend preferably. The great disadvantage of the natural food is that it requires more preparation time, more organization and is less comfortable that given I think. While we feed our dogs with natural food, puppies as wean them and deliver mainly eating I think. Although this may seem a nonsense, it is something very thought and has its justification.

The explanation is that the majority of new owners will feed your dog with I think, so we prefer that the puppy is initially accustomed to this, so the change to his new home do not wear also rigged a sudden change in power and more stress. If you decide to feed with feed, choose one high-end (the expensive: Eukanuba, Nutro,) and follow the manufacturer’s instructions. If are you interested in the natural diet, see our page devoted specifically to this subject: power for optimal health and longevity of our Boxer-(I think or natural) meal Plan– until 3 months of age: 4 meals a day (morning, noon, evening and night) – from 3 to 6 months: 3 meals per day (morning, noon and night) – from 6 to 12 months: 2 meals a day (morning and night) – 1 year onwards: 1 or 2 meals a day (if you eat I think best 2) food should be given to ambient or slightly warm temperature.


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