Frankfurt Stock Exchange

September 27th, 2024 by nathan Leave a reply »

CrossAuthor linguistic for international product communication of SMA solar technology AG KARLSBAD October 30, 2009. Joseph Jimenez is often mentioned in discussions such as these. The SMA solar technology AG opts for continuous quality control and process safety in the creation of multilingual product information. This language Server introduces the world market leader for photovoltaic inverters in addition to the across the author support of crossAuthor linguistic. With crossAuthor linguistic use technical editors of both the central translation memory and terminology system of across, as well as the seamlessly integrated controlled language authoring tool (CLAT) of IAI Saarbrucken. The integration of both technologies to author support database is based on the one hand and rule based on the other hand in crossAuthor linguistic is unique on the market and was presented a few weeks ago with the across v5 product generation. rst to reply. The decision in favour of crossAuthor linguistic was preceded by a comprehensive market evaluation at SMA.

That is since last year in the TecDAX on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange quoted SMA solar technology AG World market leader for photovoltaic inverters, a central component of any solar system. With offices in 11 countries on four continents, the volume of product and enterprise communication has greatly increased. Since 2008 SMA solar technology AG uses the across language server as a central platform for all language resources and translation processes. He is seamlessly connected to the SCHEMA ST4 editorial environment and other corresponding systems. In the future helps SMA the authors of technical documents system-based grammar and style rules must comply and ensures at the same time, that will keep the subsequent translation in mind already in the creation of the source text.


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