Medical Sciences

March 9th, 2020 by nathan Leave a reply »

The whole life is arranged by the unbreakable principle: if we get it from something good, then have to pay something – something in return. Living beings – those for whom we are responsible, so we can not realize that they may become ill or grow old, in the end. And at such moments to thank them for their love and warmth that they give us throughout his zhizni.Vo medical practice veterinary specialists veterinary clinic "Lex" working closely with eminent doctors of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. This partnership opens new horizons for the treatment of cats: microsurgery, reconstructive surgery, complete rehabilitation of animals with severe injuries and more. It is possible, including through appropriate technical equipment and kliniki.Shirota range of laboratory studies can identify virtually all known to date of animal diseases. In vetkliniki "Lex" is available tehobespecheniya developed base, which makes it possible to carry out such research tools as Ultrasound, X-ray,, electrocardiography, clinical features . inspire respect (we are talking about prevention and treatment of internal diseases conservative non-surgical methods). Shows the different specializations of therapy: Allergy, vertebrology, gastroenterology, gynecology, dermatology, nutrition, cardiology, neurology, nephrology and urology, general therapy, ophthalmology, otolaryngology, pulmonology, internal medicine and infectious invasive disease, endocrinology, and many more vsego.Pri contraindications or failure of therapy exploit various areas of surgery. But the most common operations in the clinic "Lex" operations are done rare areas such as cardiac, neurosurgical and microsurgical transactions, Plastic, Reconstructive and reconstructive surgery, surgery in otorinolarinologii and ophthalmology, spinal surgery. , Cardiac, and microsurgical neurosurgical operatsii.Neobhodimo also say the vaccination of animals, current observations and consultations, the necessary attributes of adequate veterinary care. In conjunction with the principles of human medicine it all Clinic provides visitors a guarantee of success in any veterinary care in a modern veterinary clinic "Lex."


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