Beginning the 12 until the 18 of gratuitous September there will be inspection of the infantile seats of security in stations distributed in all the country. The National Administration of Security of the Traffic in Carreteras (NHTSA) demonstrates that the majority of children correctly does not go insured in its seats of security although there are amounts without precedents of children traveling in seats of security at national level. Every year that happens, we lose hundreds of lives of fleeting children in automobile shocks, said the Secretary of Transport of the United States Ray LHood. the parents and the people who take care of the children must make sure to learn how to correctly install the seats of security of children. the errors that are often committed are the mistaken use of the seat of security for the weight or age of the boy; not to fasten the strap of anchorage of the seat from security to the seat of the vehicle well; and the very loose use of the lap belts of the automobile with the high seats (to booster seats).
Security Councils stop children 1. In order to obtain the greater possible protection he takes to his baby in a located seat of security watching backwards in the back seat. Llvelo in this position until it has minimum 1 year of age and at least 20 pounds of weight. 2. When the boy has minimum 1 year of age and at least 20 pounds of weight must take it in security seats watching towards the front, installed in the back seat. Hgalo until a minimum age of 4 years and a weight of 40 pounds.
3. After this stage the boy will have to travel in a high seat (to booster seats) installed in the back seat. Hgalo until the lap belt of the vehicle adjusts to him correctly: when the belt of the lap passes throughout the part superior of the thighs and the belt of the shoulder adjusts correctly throughout the chest (generally at the age of 8 9 4 years or when measures of stature). 4. When he surpasses this stage, the boy will be able to go in the back seat and using the lap belt for adults that fits to him correctly (the belt of the lap passes throughout the part superior of the thighs and the one of the shoulder throughout the chest). from the 12 asks for aid During the National Week of the Security of the Fleeting Boy to the 18 of September, the parents and the people who take care of children will be able to make review the seats of security of children in one of the thousand gratuitous stations of inspection that will be in all the country; and thus to verify that the seats are installed correctly. Inspectors bilingual certificates will be available to answer questions and to help to correctly install the seats of security for children.