Archive for January, 2015


January 21st, 2015

Acupressure points are specific points on the body where pressure can be applied in order to exercise various techniques of ancient Chinese medicine called acupressure. There are several styles of acupressure, including Shiatsu, Tuina, Qigong and Reiki techniques. Acupressure is similar to acupuncture, unlike that applies the force of pressure of human contact rather than needles to manipulate pressure points. Acupressure points are located throughout the body from the head to the toes, the technique is to apply pressure to the skin at various points to stimulate the body and possibly allow the brain to block pain receptors. It is recognized that acupressure can relieve headaches, arthritis, pain, back and neck, along with the stress and headaches associated with childbirth. Many massage therapists often use some form of acupressure, but there are also those who only specialize in acupressure without massage.

Some kinds of childbirth can also be Enter the acupressure as a way to alleviate pain and stress during natural childbirth; This implies exert acupressure on the hands and back of the mother. With the acupressure raises the possibility of alleviating the headaches, tension and stress without the use of medication, anyone can learn acupressure, but must first locate the acupressure points on the body and their specific functions, there are charts that show the specific location of all acupressure points, these are found in the books of alternative medicine and can also be read online. Among people who practice acupressure as a method of healing are suffering from arthritis, joint pain, frequent headaches related to stress and body aches. Furthermore believed that acupressure therapy can be used as a means to help quit smoking. Although acupressure therapy has been widely studied, there are very few medical reports that they favor the use of the therapy of acupuncture as a means to cure some diseases and conditions, there are literally thousands of people who attest to through acupressure therapy chronic pain relief.

The Pupil

January 16th, 2015

We consider that the revision of the management and the estimated ones, proposal for Sacristn, is part of the revision of the organizacional culture: values, beliefs, premises, of the educational establishments. To admit not the participation, or exemption, of the family on the routes of the formation of the pupil, or to move away it, when manifest interest in sharing is one of the attitudes that they could be moved. 2 the COLLECTIVE WORK AND the INTERACTION WITH the FAMILY Are sufficiently difficult, if not impossible, to deal with education without touching, of some form, in questions related to the familiar structure. Independent of the vision that if has of the family: controverted, idolatrada, confused, denied, it are determinative, although not to be exclusive, in the construction of the emotional, psychic and intellectual structure of the individuals. On the other hand, the organization and the functioning of the family are influenced by the partner-politician-economic conjuncture. Without menosprezar and privileging the influences of the family on the conditions of the pupil, Sacristn (1999) considered that familiar the pertaining to school education cannot supply dficits. In function of this, it defended the importance of the joint between the family and the school for the pupil a time that: ' ' The discontinuity between family and school is source of conflicts for the son-student, to to compel it to pass it for constant processes of transistion between ecological ways with norms diferenciadas' '.

(SACRISTN, 1999, P. 219). Some schools and professors believe that they can divide its responsibilities with the parents. It also has many parents who if premake use to make it and creem that the mutual aid is important. These parents add to the domestic tasks and the jobs the task to participate of the construction of a school that takes care of to the real necessities of its children.