The Dream Garden

December 11th, 2024 by nathan Leave a reply »

Now it's time again that weather is perfect to go around in the garden and let your soul! But not always the garden owners are so happy with my your garden. For often it falls short for lack of care or a few smart ideas to achieve the dream garden. But do not be scared with some simple steps you can get your garden back in shape. First, you can have with simple decoration means such as windmills, wind chimes, sound games, or terracotta pots adorn the garden a bit. Would you like to create a little more hands, so that's no problem, because if you want to remodel shrubs and trees, it is obviously time-consuming.

Old trees can be revived by being umpflanzt with twining flowers. Shrubs and trees, which have increased over time in volume, you must of course nachstutzen regularly. Rods and wood, you can order overturning hernehmen shrubs and trees back into shape! Small corners in the garden you can with some Perennial flowers and spice up again. The garden design knows no limits in principle. The more unusual the garden design, the higher the maintenance! Remember that you regularly weeds and growths must repair your plants.

Hence: if you do not have much time for the garden, then you choose a natural or cottage garden! But rock gardens do not need intensive care. In the natural garden, everything is permitted. You can sow a field of flowers and let them grow hard! The cottage garden is also true. But the direction of the farmhouse garden is towards use and management! The rock garden accents, however, focuses towards stones, savannah.


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