Posts Tagged ‘web traffic’

Analyzing Traffic And Optimization

November 26th, 2024

Use a good statistics program on our website is of vital importance, since we can assist in various aspects such as to see the results of an advertising campaign or learn various customs and preferences of visitors. To do this, not just a simple hit counter, since it does not show us much information about visitors, even shows actual visits, but the times it has shown the page (if the same visitor sees page eight Sometimes, the counter will add eight visits), so are not useful for our purposes. There are many websites devoted has to offer these traffic statistics, most offer a free basic service and a more complete payment. It is also possible that the hosting provider we offer web statistics for free. To better understand these statistics and determining which are really useful to us, we hear and know about its possibilities. Here are some of the information that may offer these statistics.

# Unique Visitors. # Page views. # Origin of the visits. # Visitors for hours. # User Info. # Visits by country.

a Those are real visitors. If the same visitor load eight times a page, only count a visitor. The statistics server controls visits by checking IP addresses for each user. a stas are the number of pages that visitors have seen. For example, if a visitor browsing our website seven pages, the counter will add seven page views. We compare this data with unique visitors to see the interest of the Internet on our website. For example if we have 100 visitors and 700 page views, we will have an average of 7 page views per visitor, but if the two data are almost equal, it would mean that Internet users do not feel concerned with the content of or links to web pages are not well marked. Here we can see from where our visitors come. This fact is very interesting, because we can control the search engines and sites that are reporting more visits, in addition we can also see which keywords have been used to find from search engines. This figure shows the times in which we have more traffic and in the least. We can draw conclusions from visiting us more hours, or from home. Here you can find various data about the visitor’s computer configuration, such as browser version, operating system, monitor resolution, color depth, etc. These data are useful from the point of view of design. I found it interesting that only 4% of visitors had the resolution to 640 x 480 pixels and only 6% had the setting to 256 colors. This data tells us the origin of visitors by country, so if we have many visitors to a particular country, we include some country-specific content.

Qualified Adwords And Traffic, An Expansive Optimization

September 5th, 2024

Today it is no longer a secret that the number one tool to attract qualified traffic which pays is through Google Adwords. Is made, if known to use to generate wealth over the Internet based business. The important thing is that people go to our site and is visited as much as possible. No matter how pretty it is its design, well done or what it is … without traffic, is an invisible ghost.

The string is converted to “1 – Traffic 2 – Visitors (potential buyers) 3 – Utilities (earnings, wealth, etc.)” … This is it. For several years the market for web sites has been accommodating in the past, many established businesses failed in their attempt of joining the network of web sites, while many small business sites have had good profits by engaging in one or more specific niches. This is the main reason for the advent of this powerful tool called Google Adwords. What is done is to bring qualified traffic to our site to make principal or interest to do business on the web. And I say this because Some people use other marketing strategies, lead people to a landing page where what is offered is something of interest in exchange for free to subscribe to the mailing list, which can be sold not one but several times to the same customers. Marketing Target marketing is essential that we use is known as “precision marketing” is a perfect definition of what we intend to do, because otherwise use a tool like Google Adwords, it can cost us dearly.