Posts Tagged ‘vocational’

Junior Comtec Darmstadt

February 22nd, 2025

On April 14, 2010, the student advisor junior Comtec Darmstadt e.v. chose the new head of the Department for the coming six months. On April 14, 2010, the student advisor junior Comtec Darmstadt e.v. chose the new head of the Department for the coming six months. If you have read about Jonah Bloom already – you may have come to the same conclusion. The outgoing head of the Department moved a track record on your term and their experiences associated initially. They have also passed recommendations to their successors, can promote the development of portfolios in the next period. The outgoing head of the Department moved a track record on your term and their experiences associated initially.

They have also passed recommendations to their successors, can promote the development of portfolios in the next period. All four head could can have good results and have their, achieve very satisfactory before OHIM, targets. Mike Gianoni is actively involved in the matter. So thanked the Board Christopher Natterer, Fabian Nguyen, Jakob Pfrommer and Julian Wohlers for their good performance and smooth cooperation. The new candidates for the management of the four areas of junior Comtec Darmstadt e.V. presented themselves, then presented their objectives and expectations for the coming six months. This each club members to the election could compete, regardless of the own status with junior Comtec Darmstadt e.V.. So, all four candidates emphasized their ambition to further develop the Club with new and innovative ideas in its six-month term. After a two-hour presentation with followed by secret ballot the new head of the Department were: Julia Heller now holds the Office of the Director of project management, Frank Hertkorn manages the portfolio for the next six months internal, the new head technology is Sebastian Kotek and Luke rein was elected external to the head. For the period of their Office the Board of Directors, as well as the entire junior Comtec Darmstadt e.V. Association good luck the four new department heads. Viviane Banzon

Professional Field

January 23rd, 2025

Do you remember at the start of the first cheap call offers? Today, they are of course. Multiple providers struggling with rough price to customers. There will be exactly such a situation in the next few years also in the electricity market: the prices of large corporations continue to, increasing ecological awareness and the change of electricity provider is super simple. Whoever the “greenest”or cheapest”power supplies, will attract hundreds of thousands or millions of customers. Even the German Government recommends to change, you should be unhappy the provider with the prices and who is now satisfied? Can you imagine, to generate chances for a professional start on this lucrative market? Active support in a stable team, free promotional material and very good earning up to company cars offer an attractive platform for your future career. If you are interested in this activity, you should bring the following prerequisites: ideally come from the Sector field you are incorporated, even career newcomers want to divide your time even you you want without boss in the neck you work are you but a team player looking for a secure income with stock commissions, you have the will, to achieve set goals then apply, if you meet the following criteria: age of 24 years completed schooling show license and well maintained cars and customer-friendly manner readiness, above-average usage to bring we are looking for primarily covering Geesthacht / Hamburg, Lauenburg / Schwarzenbek 10 sales representatives nationwide activities but also possible. Please send your application with a photo to who take direct contact with our team manager Sven Ihrke (04152-135 139) on.

Holger Fahrmann

November 19th, 2024

Headhunters, recruiters, or recruiters? The recruitment industry has changed considerably in times of the Internet. The overview of the methods behind the job titles often lack entrepreneurs who want to give the recruitment in experienced hands. That they are not protected, creates additional confusion. Three recruiting models should at least know about entrepreneurs. Everyone has ever seen search requests in the form of personal ads in major newspapers.

\”Recently a normally: contact requests across business networks like XING, where is headhunter\” present. Both methods do not play in the Oberliga of the recruitment\”explains Holger Fahrmann e. k. of HR and management consultancy & project.. Via an Internet platform a true hunter would not act quite sure.\” Ferryman explains how entrepreneurs separate the chaff from the wheat: recruiters direct and competitive analysis specialist and senior managers with an annual salary starting at least 50,000 Euro search companies using a personnel consultancy. First step is the analysis: candidate profile, company, market and competitive analysis, and a list of target companies allow the optimal candidate search. Valuable side benefit is the detailed competitive analysis, which allows accurate insights: how are competitors positioned and set up? Cost-intensive jobs are then no instrument of recruitment: the speech of candidates is carried out by telephone, optimally directly by the supervising personnel consultants. The really good executives are currently successful\”Ferryman justified the strategy.

Candidates who are dissatisfied or unemployed lurk in waiting position on jobs, are not relevant for our choice.\” Who wants the best, must search these, talk to and awareness of a change. Gut feeling and experience count at the headhunting as well as a transparent quality processes for industries-DIN 33430. The preferred candidate is ready, follow actual contacts between executives and companies that should fit well together. Most important negotiating points of the wedding phase\”: executives are interested in personal development and advancement potential, companies want security.

Current Seminars And Distance Training For Logistics In 2009

September 22nd, 2024

The training offer of the logistic people academy was in the areas of customs, liability, foreign trade and sales further expanded. The logistic people academy logistics company offers also 2009 with a wide range of seminars, training courses, in-house seminars and coaching offers optimum possibilities for targeted personnel development. In-service training, as well as the 1 3-day seminars are adapted to the current needs of the air freight, ocean freight and logistics industry. All assessments performed by experienced trainers with extensive logistics expertise either as open seminar at one of the logistic people academy sites or in-house in our own company. The entire training programme 2009 of the logistic people academy includes a several months, partly in-service trainings in the areas of air – / seafreight and surface transportation; on the other hand practical day seminars put short-term improvement potentials of employees on logistics issues freely especially around the themes liability, sale, Foreign trade and customs. Open seminars academy provides the logistic people at the locations Frankfurt, Hamburg, Munich and Stuttgart. Of course, come the experienced trainers in the local businesses and train staff needs specific according to the respective requirements.

In particular the use of able trainers characterised the recruitment agency. The seminar participants benefit from practical and motivational training methods: more than 500 people trust each year on the successful concept of the logistic people academy. The entire training program 2009: entrepreneur/qualifizierung.html contact: Mrs Vera Krieger of logistic people academy GmbH farm road 118, 64546 Morfelden-Walldorf FON: +49(0)6105 / 9767-0 fax: + 49 (0) 6105 / 9767-25 E-Mail: about logistic people academy: the logistic people academy offers innovative seminars and training courses for the logistics industry. In collaboration with logistic people specialists and executives be found specifically and trained.

Theodor Friedrich WEG

September 27th, 2017

Non-ABI studies hard and satisfying the offer as further masters studies requiring no theme-related Bachelor’s degree as a base – but experience is constantly increasing. The database of the University Conference lists over 350 courses of this type. Many of them are designed as online course, so Weiterbildungswillige must take no break in the job. How open is the access to higher education for the professional skilled in the individual federal States, regulate the respective higher education acts, which additionally supplemented by special regulations in most cases. The individual Lander shine”by considerable differences in the nature of the authorisation procedures and admission requirements. Access to higher education opportunities for professionally qualified: Direct college access for professionally highly qualified Applicants can begin a degree a master exam or a comparable degree without special tests or procedures.

Access to higher education via an entrance examination. Who has graduated no more training after training, but can demonstrate at least three years of professional experience is subjected to an aptitude test. This tests the study ability of the applicants without university entrance qualification. The control carried out by the universities access to higher education through a sample study. Professionally qualified applicants are admitted to the study, after they have – successfully completed a trial study usually two to four semesters. Access to higher education on the promotion of the gifted students.

Professionals acquire the Abitur by passing a special examination. In contrast to the college access via an entrance examination”, which entitles only to study at a particular University or in a certain State, allows the unrestricted access to higher education the gifted exam. Note: You should enquire (distance learning without ABI is also possible) at a selected College, College, or University, what are the requirements for admission consist of the desired course. To take into account is in any case, that their own tenacity and perseverance in advance require study without Abitur. Learn more about the study without Abitur: info/Bachelor studies without graduate bildungsdoc’s education service and guidance for students, trainees, graduates, students, parents and adults. Find all here is simple and fast unbiased information on educational topics, education, training providers and educational institutions. Matching funding, including funding programs will be presented to many education at home and abroad.

Coaching-seminar For Power And Determination

August 22nd, 2017

Take a time out and determine your professional and personal goals under the guidance of business coach and bestselling author Cordula Nussbaum. Munich/Sauerlach – July 5, 2010. More and more people enjoy a dream day, to readjust the Navigator for work and life. In silence and with expert guidance of business coaches the really important things in life emerge and they can deal undisturbed two days only with himself. Such time-outs are often turning points in life, that give more strength, confidence, and clarity. A dream day provides you with the landmark overview of his own life and its meaning and success prospects and gives concrete strategies to implement. On August 13 and 14 it again with join dream days Summer Academy in the Cordula Nussbaum. The dream-days Summer Academy is suitable for all people, the + gain more clarity what they experience and to achieve + and their strengths as well as their wishes would know even better + their lives and want to consider their goals from the perspective of the Eagle + clarity would win, how to proceed in their life + to better want to choose between several alternatives + that set the course for a contented life + would work under the guidance of their personal goals and visions we are working on this dream-days and the participants can develop their concrete annual plan and take home! All who want to work on their personal, professional or entrepreneurial goals are welcome in the Summer Academy.

Away from the everyday hustle and bustle, find the necessary peace and quiet on these days to reset the course of your success, your career or your life. We dedicate ourselves to the areas of work and private life. Trace? Get concrete seminar input and plenty of time to work in their own work (confidential) your personal things on this dream day at the Exchange.