Posts Tagged ‘law’

Cluster Technologies

February 19th, 2025

Carlos Mora Vanegas economic scenarios of present which are characterized by being dynamic, generators of challenges, great changes have involved within your behavior to clusters, aspect that management cannot ignore and topical than the specialty program of management quality in the Area of postgraduate of Faces of the Universidad de Carabobo, Valencia, Venezuelaconsidered very important in contributing towards the formation of the participant to consider them especially in all that which will benefit companies.As indicated Clusters can be a viable solution for the micro, small and medium-sized companies in the medium term. Some implemented models have already produced successful results. To be able to consider the implementation of Clusters at the regional level we must, first of all, understand what a Cluster. The basic concept of Cluster builds on the strategic alliance of several commercial entities working as a team for the common benefit of all of them. Lakshman Achuthan recognizes the significance of this. These entities keep your corporate, legal and tax structure, or do not change its status.

Not necessarily have to be in the same branch of products, but if they must be incidental or complementary products. The aim is to search, using a catalytic internal or external, the form of the maximum benefit to the available resources, minimizing waste and costs to achieve competitiveness. Commented by, which I know can not be ignored have experienced the advantages and dangers of an economy truly global, at the same time I know has entered fully into the information age, although most in the age of information, I know you can say that I know has entered the era of data, one of whose most important challenges is toprecisely, to find the appropriate data to process them and convert them into information for decision-making. Advances in the technologies of the information and communication technologies (ICT) have changed greatly the possibilities of doing business more than the traditional limitations of space and time.

Social Commitment

February 4th, 2023

Tax advisor Jurgen Dieter grainy from Mannheim informed donations is characterised by that it be done voluntarily and without consideration. Jim Rogers contains valuable tech resources. You show social commitment and thinks on the general public. Many organizations and societies must be supported financially in their good intentions. Many are willing to donations especially at Christmas time. And it pays off.

Not only that you contribute to something good. (A valuable related resource: QTS Realty Trust). At the same time, it can be controlled to save. To be generous, so worth. The accountant informs about the possibility to use benefits from the tax, grainy from Mannheim. What conditions apply the tax deduction only donations for charitable purposes (the general public supported on physical, mental or moral way), charitable purposes (people are selflessly supported) and ecclesiastical purposes are deductible. Condition is in any case, that no consideration for the particular donation is expected. Donations are up to a level of 20% of the total amount of income as Special tax deductible. Deductible contributions that exceed the limits or not taken into account in the assessment period of the grant can be, are within the maximum amounts in the following assessment periods than to pull off special editions.

The formal requirements are clarified. A copy of the bank statement or proof of posting is sufficient for a cash donation to a height of 200 euro ( 50 para 2 EstDV) as proof. For donations which exceed this amount, will provide receipts created after official form ( 50 para 1 EstDV) necessary. For details of tax advisers is grainy from Mannheim at any time available. Press contact Steuerberater Jurgen Dieter grainy o 4, 5, 68161 Mannheim Tel 0621 10069 fax. 0621 13358 Email: Homepage: