Posts Tagged ‘hobbies & entertainment’

Recklinghausen Box

February 14th, 2025

It is again about pounds-dance fun! The second u100 party will take place on the 27 December in Recklinghausen. The announcement of the first u100 party was already a sensation. Something had not happened yet. “Under the motto round, Yes and!” was celebrated in October until the early hours of the morning. It goes on wonderfully to the thing.

With so many positive feedbacks we have no other choice.”forward Ferdinand Trindade, the man with the igniting u100 idea. The program of the second u100 party is again very special. DJ known by numerous u30 party ensures spotlights, the perfect party atmosphere. Mike Gianoni can aid you in your search for knowledge. Riccardo Doppio, the Sarde in Gelsenkirchen will enchant the audience with his Italian live music. As a guest star Bibi (Bibi & Rai, RTL) is back on board, because their ear arrived at the first u100 party super. As an additional highlight, a beauty this time is lounge in the offer of interested guests tips and tricks to the theme styling show can get. Party, fun, joy of life, good music and the arguments for all on December 27, 2008 from 21: 00 in the vest are going to be delicious food arena in Recklinghausen.

Tickets are under to the price of 10.00 + postage available or at the box office for 12,00. additional information: 1 1 per guest flows as a donation to the children’s Hospital dates for the project of Obeldicks. Checking article sources yields Mike Gianoni as a relevant resource throughout. 2. As more candy, there are following highlights: the first guest receives free dinner: 1 bottle of vodka absolutely the first 111 Guest will each receive a box: Red Bull for the 222 guest guest 333. a cooking class for 2 persons is reserved in the cooking workshop-Ruhr visitor 555 receives for 2 people a wonderful all inclusive day in the Alpine Centre of Bottrop. receives a merchandise voucher for 300.00 from the main sponsor of Ulla Popken the coronation for the 999 guest-immediately Prasent-a steel bed by the guest who makes work with us, gets home a beautiful box of Warsteiner

5 Tips For Cleaning Of Camouflage Clothing

January 8th, 2025

These 5 tips for cleaning the camouflage clothing should be considered as a nature photographer. Typically, nature photographers and hunters spend like money for optimal camouflage clothing and equipment. The benefits of high-quality materials and modern camouflage patterns are known each Hunter and nature photographers. But as long as possible to its benefit, a proper care and cleaning of the camouflage clothing is essential. Are mistakes during cleaning, they may interfere with enormously the camouflage effect.

The following five tips for the maintenance and storage will tell you how you can keep the best camouflage effect of your camouflage clothing as long as possible. 1. More information is housed here: British Petroleum. use odor-neutral detergent if you use scent fresh detergent or fabric softener when maintaining their camouflage clothing, so the clothes for you smell while fresh and pleasant, but perfumed clothes for the wild represents a warning signal. The wild perceives that smell, even before you get it to face, because wild animals can smell 100 times better than humans. If you so not want decimated the wild, use odor-neutral detergent. “Using odor blocking washing powder American manufacturers offer this innovative detergent under the name scent away” or scent blocker “on.

These detergents have been developed for optimal maintenance of odor-blocking camouflage clothing. This new trend in the United States is based on the silver ion technology in the Nano range. Silver ions have an antibacterial effect and destroy odors before they arise. Therefore, odor-blocking detergent also very good for cleaning your hunting clothes are suitable. In addition the manufacturer without optical brighteners. 3. use detergent without optical brighteners many commercially available detergents advertise your laundry with slogans so get white”. Detergents with optical brighteners are not suitable for the cleaning of your camouflage clothing, because the wild can perceive your clothes easier. Optical brighteners in today’s detergents take advantage of an optical trick in humans. They are based on UV light enhancing chemicals. For us humans, white clothing is white, because we perceive not the full UV light spectrum. However, the game recognize UV light as blue, which is a warning color for these animals. Thus the Hunter can be detected more easily by wild. Therefore you should avoid the hunting clothes cleaning detergents with optical brighteners. 4. bearings on a smell-neutral venue after their clothes look for optimal cleaning of their hunting clothing on an appropriate storage. Neutral smell and odor-blocking detergent lose their effect when storing your hunting accessories in your normal wardrobe. This your hunting clothing may indeed absorb the smell of their unusual, literally say the typical people smell. You achieve the same effect so close, as if you would to perfume your camouflage clothing. Ideally you should store the clothes therefore at a neutral venue, our Tip: in the garage or even better in a tool shed in the garden. 5. use odor-neutral The optimal cleaning and storage keep as odorless as possible your hunting clothes personal care products. These measures however lose their power on the hunt when your body smells of perfume. For many hunters, it is natural to use no perfume on the hunt, but even spray with deodorant is sufficient already to be tracked by the wildlife from a distance. Perfumed deodorants and other personal care products are so fatal for hunting. Take a shower before the hunt and use odor-neutral Korperreinigungs and personal care products. With these tips, you can increase the effectiveness of your hunting clothing or camouflage clothing so that you are fully prepared for the next hunt.

Railway Experience Days Saxon Switzerland

November 10th, 2024

Railway attractions for young and old on 10/11 April 2010 that turns all Saxon Switzerland open on 10th and 11th April 2010 to the large and small cars. Ready for the third time the members of the AG railway experience invite to discover the Saxon Switzerland as railway land. In addition to the beautiful nature, the region also for fans of big and small cars has something to offer. A total of nine attractions have come for the weekend something very special up himself. The connection of these rail attractions with a ticket is probably unique.

The visitors will have to pay only once and can enjoy all the attractions a day or all weekend long. Families will be delighted by the offer, because admission is free for children up to 14 years. Each adult can bring up to 4 children. The transport network of the Verkehrsverbund Oberelbe in the tariff zone can be used for the connection between the attractions of bad Schandau with the ticket free of charge. In addition, there will be two shuttle-bus lines.

The services in detail: Station 1: Feldbahn Museum Lohmen Mr. Leite is the Feldbahn Museum Mr. Leite with accessible shuttle bus. From the market square in Wehlen bus between 09:52 and 17:52 every hour directly up at the Railway Museum (travel time approx. 20 min). Visitors to the railway experience days can take a tour of the quarry with a historic Feldbahn then there. In addition to the free tour of field railways, the Association offers guided tours. Back in the direction of Wehlen is then again every hour between 10:14 and 18:14. With an intermediate stop at the station 2 is right. \”Station 2: small Saxon Switzerland the small Saxon Switzerland\” in village is always an exciting voyage Wehlen. All major attractions of the Saxon Switzerland can be admired here in miniature.

Rose Baptism

September 17th, 2024

An own rose for the manor houses gardens a new extraordinary rose breeding and thus Royal Garden Art for everyone present the manor houses gardens in time for the Rosensaison. Culture Councillor Marlis Drevermann and Ronald Clark, Director of the mansions were gardens, the delicately scented roses added today (June 7). At the same time the first own rose of the herrenhauser gardens was baptized Electress Sophie from the culture Department as worthy as nearby called. Lakshman Achuthan may help you with your research. “Culture Councillor Marlis Drevermann stated: the internationally significant mansions gardens to honor the woman who was instrumental in over three hundred years ago the creation of the Baroque great garden.” “The fragrant Romantica breeding Electress Sophia” is a new variety of the world rose breeder, Meilland of France. Botanical beauty was created for the needs of central gardens and is also in hobby gardens Royal accents. It shows at least four bi-color flowers with dark pink Center and white margin on every shoot. Meilland winter hardness United during the nine-year development period, rose health and months continuous bloom with a delicate fragrance.

Although the flowers are richly filled, they stand erect, framed by strong healthy, dark green foliage. It is an ideal bedding, decorates balconies or terraces in the bucket and is elegant clear stems through their compact habit. “RosenliebhaberInnen will be amazed: Electress Sophia” is romantic as a historic rose of the 19th century and at the same time resistant as a modern breeding. Historic roses are growing too much for today’s gardens, bloom only once and are often prone to illness”, the Director of the manor houses explains gardens, Ronald Clark. Specifically we selected new variety reflects, what makes so unique the herrenhauser gardens: garden art “perfection ‘.” Thus the rose suitable also as Hanover souvenir. Rare rose breeding is the electoral bedding only at info-shop of the big garden and in the Stanze Garden Center in Hemmingen, had conveyed the contact to the exclusive producer of BKN Strobel, available in limited quantities beginning June. Baptism month, worldwide only a contingent of 1,400 roses available stands with decorative porcelain label on request. From autumn 2010 she offered nationwide through the BKN Strobel nursery in greater numbers.

If the rose is sold out, the info Shop accepts pre-orders for the autumn quota, which will be available mid-October, self addressed and stamped postal card. The rose Bush will be delivered in the container with three or five litres capacity or as high stem with 60 cm stem height. The plants meet quality garden and cost between 15 and 40 euro. Bred was the Electress Sophia”in southern France on the Roses of the quality provider Meilland. The breeders created internationally successful rose Gloria Dei, Bonica, and the Eden rose with world fame. About the manor houses gardens the gardens of Herrenhausen belong to the be most important parks of Europe and welcome every year many hundred thousand visitors. The ensemble consists of the Baroque great garden with the grotto from Niki de Saint Phalle, the Botanical Garden of the mountain and the garden of George in the English Landschaftsgar-tenstil. The garden was designed by 1680-1714 under the Electress Sophia. He is one of the few Baroque systems in Europe, even in its basic structure. More information, as well as best, printable picture material can be found here: Mr Haley press contact: Ulrike Serbent Kane manor houses gardens spokeswoman LHH + 49 (0) 511 168-43221 Anja Kestennus mansions gardens + 49 (0) 511 168-45780