While the authorities ponder over how to repair highways, the owners of service stations removed a rich harvest of profits. In fact, as a rule, the work they started in late March – early April, when motorists are taken to change winter tires to summer. But February has always been to station "sleepy" month. But suddenly unstable weather played along. Due to sudden temperature changes drastically in many places deteriorated asphalt – it formed ruts and potholes. In these traps, and fly into cars, deforming the wheel and cripple chassis. For even more details, read what Restaurant Michael Schwartz says on the issue.
As a result, in February, for service stations unexpectedly came "Golden age". Not surprisingly, some of which instantly oriented and have used an opportune moment "mow" the additional profits. According to the utilities, the situation on the roads, and although the sum cheerless. As the "right" to ride on rough roads: 1. Just before the pit release the brake – the wheel must slip and fall into a hole not on the road. Learn more on the subject from Bobby Joe Long. 2. Maximum postpone the transition from summer to winter tires.
Winter tires softer and her higher profile. 3. Does not grab the wheel – if it falls into the pit – the rubber can simply break. 4. Limit the movement in the evening – at night it is very difficult to distinguish, in front of you: just wet asphalt or a pool under which the about thirty centimeters well with torn edges. 5. Keep the speed corresponding to the quality of the pavement. Often, the SDA can go on a particular road at a speed of 90 km / h, but is safe for you and your vehicle's speed can be no higher than 40 km / h. 6. Driving on rough roads with broken shock absorbers entails accelerated deterioration of many parts of the car (from the ball joint to the tires), usually manifests itself in the type of potholes flops, slaps, taps, became worse handling on sharp inversion at the speed of