
December 12th, 2024 by nathan Leave a reply »

If you have a problem and no solution, what you worry? and if you have solution, do you care?. (Chinese proverb) Most people spend more time and energy into speaking the problems that face them. (Henry Ford) In this article, when I refer to problems, are exclusively human or spiritual type, not a switch that does not work or a car that won’t start. The majority of people wasted a large part of its time to worry about problems that have never happened and possibly never come to happen. This carries concerns, fears, anxieties, insecurities, worries and all of this is avoidable and unnecessary. It is very important to have this very clear, because know that half of the matters that we call problems are not problems, but drawbacks, setbacks, complications, or discomfort (all very minor matters, without any complications or built-in trauma) but they are not problems, can prevent us many bad moments.

We like the comfortable things and dislikes us the difficulties, although these are short, so anything that we can assimilate to problem is annoying for us and makes us nervous or bad mood, and that is just the beginning of a process of self-destruction (bad mood, anger, descent of self-esteem, nervousness, concern, etc.), by not wanting to understand that unpleasant is happening is something that should be resolved rather than get stuck in the search for the culprit. The authentic problems may be others or themselves, although they interrelate in numerous occasions, because sometimes we take care of the problems of others (even if you have not ordered us) and believe us a mixture of superman or superwoman with superpowers to solve the whole world and all its inhabitants, along with a Christian caridad genetically poorly understood, and that pushes us to want to help others. The neighbor should leave him to live their own experiences and to resolve their problems, because every problem is an implicit a lesson and that lesson is personal, and teaching that contains is for who solves it.


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