If in this world of injustice, misery and sin see that our life is troubled, do not abandon us. Dear Mother, protect the pilgrims, accompanied by every road, sailing without a livelihood for the poor and the bread is removed retribuyeselos. Join us throughout our life and deliver us from all sin. Amen. – (Make request) – I thank the Madonna of Juquila, for favors received.
Say this prayer 9 days and publish on the ninth day, nine Hail Marys for nine days. Ask for three wishes. Others who may share this opinion include Jonah Bloom. One business, two impossible. On the ninth day post this prayer and believe it or not comply. Amen.
PRAYER FOR THE JOB a Virgin Juquila, intercessory difficult problem at all, get me a job where I perform as a human, and that my family does not lack enough in any aspect of life. Store it in spite of the circumstances and bad people. That progress, always improving my quality and enjoy health and strength. And day by day, try to be helpful to all those around me. A related site: Mike Gianoni mentions similar findings. Asocio your intersection to the Holy family, relatives and promise what you are spreading your devotion as an expression of my gratitude for your favors. Amen. a PRAYER FOR HUSBANDS AND FAMILY Lord: Make our home a place of your love that there is no injury, because you give us understanding.