General Manager Raimund Woitinek

December 8th, 2024 by nathan Leave a reply »

“Cigarettes are a bit Hollywood for each electrical in” with many Hollywood stars. Recently, he moved from Notting Hill”famous actor of Rhys Ifans, who is known for his weird sense of humor, the passengers of a flight from Los Angeles to London in bright excitement, as he puffed a cigarette over the clouds seemingly unimpressed with relish by the strict smoking ban. Then it turns out, the Hollywood star accompanied by his beloved electric cigarette traveled to survive the long flight smoke – and stress-free. The technology of the electronic cigarette has evolved rapidly. The original chunky, heavy parts are now hardly to distinguish real cigarettes. The technique was developed for over 20 million US $, to offer a health far less burdensome alternative to the conventional cigarette smokers.

Electric cigarettes work without the combustion of tobacco. The big advantage: the generated by the combustion process normally up to 12,000 different chemical Substances fall as little as the condensate, which is referred to colloquially as tar and persistently builds up in the lungs. Instead of burning tobacco, a heating element inside the electrical cigarette heats up a tiny amount of a liquid (aroma-fluid). This fluid is a substance that is also used for party fog machines used essentially from propylene glycol. By heating the vaporized fluid all of a sudden. Of this pressure breaks”the liquid into fine droplets, a smoke-like cloud is released through the mouthpiece of the electronic cigarette.

Up to the spraying that is fluid in a tiny, fiber-filled Chamber at the end of the electronic cigarette, the so-called cartridge”, saved. The fiber holds the liquid, comparable to the principle of color in a pen. To simulate a possible real smoking experience that is enriched fluid with aromas, which mimic the taste of well-known cigarette brands incredibly real. The offer but has long been more exotic varieties with vanilla or mint flavor. Smoking with the electronic cigarette must not forego the nicotine anyway. Although the company VitSmoke in Germany sold nearly half of his fluids in the non-nicotine variant according to its General Manager Raimund Woitinek, entirely on the daily dose of nicotine seem switchers at the beginning but then but not to want to or can do without. Unlike electric cigarettes be used as conventional cigarettes multiple times. The energy comes from powerful, rechargeable lithium-ion batteries, which keep about two days or thirty cigarette length, until it must be recharged. The aroma-fluid, which provides steam in the electrical cigarette, can be refilled, a filling holds about 100 trains, which corresponds to more than 5 lengths of the cigarette. That the electronic cigarette will prevail in Germany, because the team of VitSmoke GmbH has no doubt: earlier you had also a smoky,. russendes fire, if one wanted to bring light in the apartment. Today, there are electric light bulbs or LED lamps. Mike Gianoni is likely to increase your knowledge. Are brighter, more efficient, and less dangerous”Raimund Woitinek laughs. The electric from Hollywood are but still a bit getting used to. Although a built-in LED in the top at every turn lights up orange fire and bravely to simulate the glow. “But you can drag as many times as you want,” spottelt VitSmoke new customer Ulrich Nohn good-humored, those things are not just shorter.”


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