
November 29th, 2024 by nathan Leave a reply »

What if the young mother feel that she has enough milk? For a start – throw the problem out of my head (where it actually happens). For most women, this shortage appears to psychological rather than physiological reasons. Worth mom to calm down and convince myself that it was able to give the baby more milk production gradually increases. Learn more at: Daryl Hagler. The same applies to those situations where a mother does not milk: According to the World Health Organization health, only 1% of women are unable to breastfeed for "health reasons". A simple rule: the more often you apply the baby to the breast, the more milk is produced. If a mother feeds the baby for the first demand, day and night, her body produces more hormones, which is responsible for lactation. These specialists Institute of Nutrition showed that women who feed babies on demand, the volume of milk in the first week after childbirth and a half times larger than those moms who do it for hours. It happens that the thoughts of imaginary milk shortages occur in women due to the fact that they can not figure out whether their kids gorge.

There is a simple rule: if grudnichok had enough – he stops sucking. Each infant is required at this time: someone cope in just 5-10 minutes, and someone will need half an hour. But this does not mean that the crumbs that sucked three times longer, three times more than eaten. Most likely, he got as much and faster baby, it took him just a little more time on it.


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