Information platform around leasing for medium-sized companies Kelkheim the theme, the 07.04.2011 – the Vantargis leasing launches its new website. Under, visitors will find detailed information on the subject of leasing clearly and with numerous underlying functionalities. These include information to the market, to the various leasing options for individual sectors but also explanations about the range of services of the company or understanding of models and the benefits of the service. The possibilities are fully explained and pointed out the prerequisites for its use. Also find visitors practice of medium-sized companies about their experiences with various leasing models. More valuable information, such as the magazine middle-class India log with knowledge, tips and trends in corporate financing are free to order… ready. The site is an interesting information platform for SMEs with its extensive offer on the subject of leasing.
Leasing as a strategic component of corporate finance financial crisis took a substantial portion of equity. In many companies, the subsequent rapid economic recovery in addition binds capital, for example, by the increasing demand for raw materials or high energy costs. Leasing can be here an interesting component of funding”, said Patrick G. Weber, Managing Director of Vantargis leasing. Depending on the needs can be financed via different leasing solutions investment, hidden reserves lifted or even sales increased”. Just machinery, equipment and systems offer great potential and may contribute to the financing of growth. The power spectrum of the Vantargis includes leasing among different leasing and hire-purchase financing for investments in mobile assets for classic machines and systems, as well as sales leasing models. Liquidity for the upswing: reserves lift with sale-and-lease-back the classic new investment leasing is a modern type of financing in the Medium-sized businesses has long been established. Assets worth more than 200 billion euros are currently leased in Germany and leasing is present in almost all sectors of the economy.