Healthy Refreshments

November 6th, 2024 by nathan Leave a reply »

There are not anything like the experience in the real world for ensearte one or two things. For all the parents who have written to me in the past saying to me: " Isabel, with all the responsibilities that I have to the day with my children, work and house, simply I do not have time to eat saludablemente". I UNDERSTAND IT! Skies who would have said that a small one of 3,6 kilos it would require of as much time and I talk about all the day. Since to eat healthfully it is absolutely obligatory for my (simply it could not do it of another way), they had really to me to happen some fast and easy refreshments especially that it could take at any time, if my small baby did not allow me to prepare the breakfast, lunch or has dinner. Even if you do not have children and only very you are occupied, occupied, occupied all the day I present/display some refreshments here to you healthy that I like much (you can eat them to the majority with a hand, while you maintain to new born with the other). 1.

Butter of nut and honey on germinated grain bread: although better toasting knows, you can do also it in cold. It greases 1-2 spoonfuls of natural butter of peanut or almond on a slice of bread or germinated grain bread of espelta with teaspoon of natural honey. I prepare 2 or 3 breads at the same time I put and them in the refrigerator, where it is easy to take them. 2. Endiablados eggs: These require a little more time of preparation reason why I must hope that my husband arrives at night at house to prepare them. I put to boil 6 eggs. When they are cold, them short by half and I put all the yolks in a bowl.


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