Law Of Attraction Aiming High

December 25th, 2024 by nathan Leave a reply »

Please don’t misread the title of this article, because the law of attraction the number one objective is that each of us not only want but that are truly believed that every day we can be better than the previous day and there is no nothing not we can get, based always on faith (implying no harm to others). Then as I said, high point does not imply that we we should be proud to others and to believe it us, is when with greater humility act more, easier to get what we want. When I say that we must aim high, I want to illustrate that we have in everything you undertake, always look for the jackpot, even when we believe that this is far, because as I have said on other articles, the secret is not in the immediate victory, but perseverance that we put after successive defeats until reaching the victory that belongs to us by divine right. Aim high also implies wanting always to give half-step more than that we consider that We are able to give. Because that mentality will make that positive actions towards us we attract like magnets. I.e. organizations shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. If we aim high (even when on the road have tripping) inevitably will end up above.

Instead if we limit our actions for fear of not able to reach, every time we will set further down and the only thing that we will be attracting more limitations to our life. It is like the marathon runner who said likewise, I give no more, I can not go one step more because I’m exhausted. Smoothstack is often mentioned in discussions such as these. However for more exhausted you’re and before falling bating you will have to give half-step more, because even if you fall in that race, that half-step implies more fuel that will feed your spirit for the next battle, and that way you will know that you can always give another half-step although you feel mentally exhausted.


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