Archive for October, 2015

Land Of Earth – Start Your Success

October 28th, 2015

A plot of land can be the beginning of your success. Investing in the land – one of the most popular and profitable types of investment. This – not the recent market innovation, always has been. From time immemorial, people clearly understand absolute value of real estate, and more “immovable property” than the actual land, you can not imagine. At various times, the possibility of land ownership was restricted – the traditions of inheritance and power state regimes (Paradoxically, there are combined such bitter rivals, both the monarchy and the developed socialism: in both cases, the private owner is difficult to individually own the land). Nevertheless, today land purchase and sale of land in our country is allowed and, therefore, is in great demand. This is especially true in the southern regions, particularly in the Odessa area: the proximity of the sea and estuaries, the advanced culture of gardening and wine, a warm climate and relatively flat terrain makes the land in this area truly attractive product. To understand the situation in this market, it is necessary to clarify the following issues: – What is included in the cost of the land? – What factors make an attractive object or, conversely, unattractive, despite its price? – In which sectors of the region’s land is sold more than where it is cheaper and more expensive than where? Let’s start with basic: What is included in the price of the land? Imagine an ordinary plot. It’s just a certain amount of acres, more or less.

Restrained Capitalist Production

October 2nd, 2015

Guild regulations also restrained capitalist production. Trade with the colonies had been artificially concentrated in the hands of a small group of privileged merchants. Internal trade was also hampered by the huge amount of customs barriers, which covered the entire country. Despite the intensive development of manufactories, in the period of absolutism significantly hampered by the accumulation of capital, necessary for the further development of production. Industry and trade levied substantial taxes and fees, which went mainly for the maintenance of the nobility. The government has repeatedly resorted to illegal withdrawals of funds from wealthy industrialists.

This policy led to the fact that a large number of companies such as the factory was bankrupt and liquidated, thus indicating that it is impossible to go machine production under the domination of the feudal-absolutist regime. As in the Middle Ages, the population is still divided into three estates – clergy, nobility and third estate. Clergy and nobility, numbered respectively 140 and 130 thousand people from 26 millionth of the French population and were the privileged classes. They do not pay taxes and retain the medieval privileges. It is these two classes is the stronghold of absolutism in the country.

The third estate was very uneven. These included representatives of the bourgeoisie – the large, medium and small, as well as the French peasantry. It is quite clear that the standard of living they had quite different. Especially difficult was the position of the peasantry. It was crushed by a mass of liege duties, taxes and charges in favor of church and state, did not have the material means needed to acquire more sophisticated tools and industrial products in general.