Archive for December, 2014

Logistics Center

December 14th, 2014

A disadvantage is that the required goods only with the help of computer software can be found. If a hazardous substance storage takes place, the safety rules and Assembly storage prohibitions is required. The second variant is the fairground. Here, each product gets allocated a place. There, it remains up to the processing or sending.

The goods without a computer software can be found in this form of organization. In addition, the turnover rate of the article can be observed very well. Products that are commonly used, can be sorted appropriately, so that they are better and more quickly accessible. The fairground system however the establishment of buffer zones is necessary because, for example, the allocated space is not yet available. There are different forms of the warehouse stock types. Depending on the form of enterprise and supplies, it decides what form the bearing plate is used: Production warehouse Lager, which works in the production or production shipping center Lager, which deals with the shipping of goods storage Lager with the task of central collection and distribution of goods (E.g. package hub) central warehouse Lager from other warehouses of the company or other sites of the company with goods supplied (also Logistics Center are called in some cases) subcamp Avars with low turnover or lack of space are temporarily stored in short-term leased space, because the capacity of the own camp consignment stock is not enough Lager of the company at a customer’s site, goods is taken as needed, settled on supplier and delivered to logistics centre ain Logistics Center takes over all works of materials management (storage, order picking, shipping, care) for their own or other companies within these forms of storage there are again different ways to organize the goods and to store. What option is chosen, depends turnover and amount and shape of goods the durability. What found its beginning in caves, mines, and later wood cabins, can be transmitted even in the present day.

Regional Economy: Confidence Is Growing

December 12th, 2014

The optimism in the company of the technology region Karlsruhe risen 2013 economic survey of the IHK Karlsruhe in the early summer in the early summer for the second time in a row. So, 30 percent expect better business than 2012 and 55 percent at least equal good business in the current year. However, clearly, the number of pessimists fell by 24 per cent in the autumn of last year to 15 percent. “If 85 percent of the Member companies for the coming months expect at least equal good business, which is a clear proof of the high competitiveness of the regional economy”, Chamber of Commerce President Wolfgang Grenke says. The confidence is reflected as well in the employment situation. More than every fifth company is planning more new hires. In addition, nine out of ten companies refer to their current business situation as good or are satisfied. The visible in the autumn of last year caution in assessing the future business development has again changed in confidence in the average of all sectors of the economy.

In the Early summer 2013 89 percent of businesses assess their current business situation as good or satisfactory. That would almost to the beginning of the year with 91 percent. According to report a few from a decline in business activity. Their share is 11 percent, compared with nine per cent of the previous economic survey. Most optimistic look business-related service providers in the future. The confidence prevails also in the industrial, construction and wholesale trade. However, the retail shows a strongly divergent expectations. Both of the skeptics and the proportion of optimists has increased, which currently outweigh the critical expectations.

Given the improved business prospects employment should tighten something in the coming months. The percentage of companies that want to hire additional employees is increased three percentage points to 21 percent. With a possible reduction in staff, 13 percent of the company, three percentage points less than at the beginning of the year sign up. Two-thirds of the operations plan, their staff to keep constant. The regional service companies report the highest compared to the other sectors of the economy need for personnel.