Archive for May, 2014

Pays Cathare

May 28th, 2014

The Festival de la Cite, with shows varied each day during the month of July (4-31). Day 14, coinciding with the French national holiday, is celebrated one of the most spectacular pyrotechnic spectacles which can witness with the show the city in flames. For more information you can visit the city’s tourism web site (in several languages including Spanish): Tourism Office of Carcassonne Foix. Apart from the spectacular nature of his Castle and its location a few kilometres from Andorra, during the months of July and August they celebrate every week a craft market. Its big summer festival is the weekend of 17-19 July, who celebrate the Festival Trad Estiu with various activities.

For more information (only in French): Mairie (Town Hall) of Foix Montsegur. The most magical place for lovers of the history of the Cathars. The last Cathar stronghold, this castle, situated in a spectacular location, near Foix, is celebrating a very special activity each summer, the Aplec dels focs de Sant Joan, which this year celebrated its 31st Edition, the end of week of 20 and 21 June. For reservations or more information: Cercle d agermanament Occitan Catala, above all, in this case, with a view to next year. Throughout the Pays Cathare in general, is full of beautiful, interesting or spectacular places to visit, is safe, can not see everything in a single holiday, therefore I recommend that before starting the trip schedule places to visit on this occasion and, if possible, make reservations for the shows that you want to go. By the way, if you like camping, it is an ideal opportunity to enjoy it, because the whole area is full of good municipal or private campsites and at good prices. To obtain a good information of the sites you can visit the web site of the Association des sites du Pays Cathare, is also in several languages (including English). By the way, if you like camping, is an ideal opportunity to enjoy it, because the whole area is full of good campsites municipal or private and good prices.Also you can travel in group renting a van or a minibus.

Antonio Raposo Tavares

May 22nd, 2014

Piet Haydn, dutch privateer, capture 38 ships, in Brazil. 31.1628? Piet Haydn captures some Spanish ships, with gold, silver, skins, pearls, etc., and delivers for the Company of Commerce of Occidental India. 32.1629? The expedition of Antonio Raposo Tavares and Black Manoel leaves So Paulo, attacks and destroys the missions of Guara, to the edges of the River Paran, in the Paran, Argentina and Paraguay. ‘ was one; ‘ flag apresadora’ ‘ if composed in 69 whites, 900 mamelucos (beaters interpreters) and 2000 indians. He had a chaplain and alone they left the mass after. 33.1630? 77 dutch ships with 7000 men invade Pernambuco. 34.1630? The Quilombo of the Palmares, in Alagoas, appeared initially with 40 blacks, and grew as much that in 1699 had been necessary almost 8 a thousand men, per some weeks to destroy it.

35.1637? Maurcio de Nassau arrives at Brazil, in Pernambuco, nominated governor-generality, for Holland. 36.1637? Peter Teixeira has left of Belm, in Par, and reaches the High Wood. First delimitation of Brazil with the Andean countries (Bolivia and Peru). 37.1640? Portugal is broken up of Spain, for the war. 38.1640? With the separation of Spain, Portugal starts to be governed by the dynasty of Bragana, with D.

Joo IV. 39.1640? Portugal crosses the phase of ‘ ‘ restaurao’ ‘ , after to become free itself of Spain, with the sufficiently difficult economic situation. 40.1640? The Jesuit priests restore missions of catequese for the River Amazon and its tributaries, for thousand of kilometers rivers above, arriving at the region of Peru, Roraima and Bolivia, with the military contribution, constructing blockhouses. 41.1644? Maurcio de Nassau expands its attributions for the coast north of Brazil and supplying areas of slaves, in Africa. Well it is not seen by its directors and he is dismissed. 42.1645? The luso-Brazilians, using to advantage the resignation of Nassau, attack the dutches, in Pernambuco, and obtain the first victory.

Construction Industry

May 15th, 2014

The rapid development of construction industry leads to a sharp increase in demand for highly qualified personnel. Today, virtually every construction company is experiencing staff shortages, and it is not entirely for workers, but also for engineering professionals. In addition, the nature of the construction business "from project to project" leads to the fact that often the completion of the project, many experts are "not at affairs "or lose their income significantly. The problem of finding skilled workers exists at many construction sites. The most scarce and in demand professions in the building include bricklayers, cement workers, installers of utilities, engineering and vocational education departments estimate and contract, planners, designers, and professionals such as giprochnikov and handlers of plastic pipes, which are quite rare due to their specificity.

According to recruitment agencies, today in the construction industry is experiencing a shortage of qualified superintendents. As you know, the foreman is the key person on site. In fact, it combines the functions of working and head, as he coordinates the entire process and ensures interoperability of personnel on the site. The specificity of the profession is that the foreman can not be profiled construction education, but this is compensated by the presence of practical experience. Today, only a fifth of all superintendents have an appropriate certificate, which must necessarily take into account the human services. Improving the quality requirements construction leads to an increase in demand for highly skilled engineers. Development of new territories leads to an increase in demand for professionals in the field of engineering systems.

The Capital

May 7th, 2014

From now on forward service providers shall be entitled to obtain through a one-stop information and forms necessary to access a given activity and pursuit, and therefore have access to all official communications relating to that end. In this regard we must add that law 11/2007, of 22 June, of electronic citizens access to public services (as a result of the law 25/2009) giving citizens the possibility that in the procedures relating to access to a service activity or the exercise, have the right to obtain information by means of electronic and distance has been modified. As for the collegiate organizations establishes that these cannot make recommendations on fees, not even indicative scales, except for the bar associations that will be enabled to develop indicative criteria for appraisal of coasts and the jura’s accounts of lawyers. From now on we will focus on changes to laws that has our view can interest more to our reader: law 2/2007, of 15 March, this leyintroduce changes such as professional societies: the rule stating the incompatibility of the activities or professions in these societies can only be legal, and not regulatory range as stated above. Most of the capital and of the voting rights, or most of the company’s equity and the number of partners in non-capitalist societies, shall belong to professional partners, in part by reducing that percentage as the previous regulations which imposed to be 75% of capital and the remaining aforementioned elements of those professional partners. Professional partners at least half must be plus one of the members of the organs of administration and not three-quarters of these regulating the previous law. And in the event that such a body were one-person should also be played by a professional partner. Law 31/1995 of 8 November, prevention of labour risks not cannot fail to emphasize changes in this law, since certain items that affect in a direct manner have been introduced also in how companies manage the prevention of occupational risks.