Archive for April, 2012

Honesty Necessities

April 5th, 2012

It is the art to influence people to execute tasks with enthusiasm, motivation and espontaneidade. For Hunter (2004, p.70): The leadership starts with the will, that is our only capacity as human beings to syntonize our intentions with our actions and to choose our behavior. She is necessary to have will to choose to love, that is, feeling the real necessities, and not them desires, of that we lead. To take care of to these necessities, we need making use in them to even serve and exactly sacrificing in them. When we serve and we sacrifice in them for the others, we exert authority and influence and we gain the right to be called leaders. An efficient leadership is that one in which the secretaryship professional has the capacity to promote the growth of the people, taking care of to the necessities and not them desires of led and the reinforcement of the team. For this, firmness, determination, shrewdness, sacrifice, service, authority and courage must be together with values as patience, love, affectivity and sensitivity.

Therefore, the self-knowledge becomes basic; the person must have its beliefs, to know of its capacities, but also of its weaknesses. For Hunter (2004): The leadership is constructed on authority or influence, that is established on the love. Then, for definition, when vocs they lead with authority will be called to donate themselves, to love, to serve and until sacrificing itself for the others. One more time, to love is not as you feel yourself in relation to the others, but as if it holds in relation to the others. Love and Leadership: Patience (To show self-control), Goodness (To give attention, appreciation and incentive), Humildade (To be authentic and without pretension or arrogance), Respect (To treat the others as important people), Self-denial (To satisfy the necessities of the others), Pardon (To give up resentment when wronged), Honesty (To be free of deceit), Commitment (To support its choices), Resulted: Service and Sacrifice (To put of side its wills and necessities; to search the greater for the others well).